YOX2 Reptiles in Waco closes shop for a good cause

WACO, Texas (KXXV) – Shaun Jones, owner of YOX2 Reptiles on Franklin Avenue in Waco, along with his girlfriend Joey Solimine, are closing this unique reptile space to pursue their dream of species conservation in South America.

  • On Sunday at 2 p.m., Jones is hosting a community event where the public can see the animals one last time and determine if any of them are a good fit for a home.


Shaun Jones has owned YOX2 Reptiles on Franklin Avenue for four years.

“If you had asked me five or six months ago if you would ever close the store, I would have told you you were crazy,” Jones said.

But now it’s time for a new adventure.

“I will dedicate myself to conservation,” Jones said.

Jones and his girlfriend Joey Solimine are committed to species conservation in South America – a big change from their life in Waco.

“She changed the way I see animals – her commitment to conservation sparked a new love for animals in me,” Jones said.

They transform this love into a service to wild animals.

“It’s just a more natural life, there will be a lot more wildlife that I can help,” Jones said.

“I have helped these animals as best I could – now I want to use my skills and help animals that really need me.”

A big change —

“It’s bittersweet,” Jones said.

– but a step in the right direction.

“The animals changed my perspective on life – I opened up much more to people because my animals gave me that freedom,” Jones said.

“Now I’m doing something for myself.”

By Jasper

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