Why soybean and natural gas prices continue to collapse while cocoa panic persists


“Why soybean and natural gas prices continue to collapse while cocoa panic persists”

by Jim Roemer – Meteorologist – Commodity Trading Advisor – Director, Best Weather Inc. & Climate Predict – Editor, Weather Wealth Newsletter

  • Weekend report Friday evening – 23-25 ​​February 2024
Why soybean and natural gas prices continue to collapse while cocoa panic persists

How to view the video > > > > > PLEASE CLICK HERE

Our WeatherWealth video covers:

  • Why other meteorologists predict a cold late winter (and optimistic about natural gas) missed the warm boat
  • What drives the historic rise in cocoa prices with the worst harvest in decades?
  • Why our The trading sentiment at BestWeather Spider has been pessimistic for soybeans for two months
  • A look at global weather and why El Niño may not turn into La NIña as fast as others think
  • potential Longer-term weather impacts on grain markets

Download a free copy of WeatherWealth from about 2 weeks ago:

Thank you for your interest in the raw material weather!

Jim Roemer, Scott Mathews and the Weather Wealth Team

  • Learn about Jim Roemer, our track record and how we use the weather to help traders, hedgers and investors. If you have any questions, just drop me a line – Scott Mathews, Editor

Mr. Roemer is the owner of Best Weather Inc., a provider of weather-related blogs for commodity traders and farmers. He is also the co-founder of Climate Predict, a tool for detailed long-term global weather forecasts. One of the first meteorologists to be registered as a commodity trading advisor with the NFA, he has worked with major hedge funds, Midwest farmers and individual traders for over 35 years. With a particular focus on interpreting market psychology, coupled with his short and long-term trend forecasts for grains, softs and the energy markets, he has developed a unique reputation among advisors in the commodity risk management industry.

Futures and options trading involves substantial risk of loss and is not suitable for everyone. Past performance is not necessarily an indicator of future results. There is no guarantee or assurance that accounts following a trading program will be profitable.

“You can’t change the weather, but you can benefit from it”

As of the date of publication, Jim Roemer had no positions (direct or indirect) in any of the securities mentioned in this article. All information and data in this article is for informational purposes only. For more information, please see Barchart’s disclosure policy here.

By Jasper

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