What are the most popular places in the US to scatter ashes?


Fenway Park in Boston. The Alamo in Texas. Waikiki Beach in Hawaii.

These are three of the most unusual places in the United States where people have their ashes scattered after they die. In a survey conducted by Choice Mutual, an insurance agency specializing in funeral insurance, 3,000 people were asked where they would hypothetically have their ashes scattered if there were no restrictions.

Ask: What if you could choose the final resting place for your ashes?

The survey results revealed the best options for each state. Below you’ll find the list Choice Mutual created, along with links to the locations that ranked highest in each state, including Florida.

More: The ultimate resting place: The three most popular places where Floridians scatter their ashes

Scattering ash in the USA: top tips by state

According to the survey:

Scattering ashes: Key findings from the survey

  • Natural beauty: Many Americans prefer resting places in nature, such as Joshua Tree National Park in California and Lake Erie in Ohio, which underscores the importance of a quiet and scenic environment.
  • Sports arenas: Sports fans have a strong desire to remain connected to their favorite teams and venues even in death. Popular locations include Fenway Park in Massachusetts and the Indianapolis Motor Speedway in Indiana.
  • Urban and historical landmarks: Significant urban and historical landmarks such as the Alamo in Texas and Jackson Square in Louisiana are preferred by many, indicating a desire to be part of the cultural and historical heritage.
  • State preferences: The survey reveals unique state-specific preferences, such as the Gateway Arch in Missouri, which reflects local pride and identity.

By Jasper

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