Weekly gas storage: Stocks increase by 21 Bcf

Natural gas reserves as of August 2, 2024

The EIA has released its natural gas inventory report, which shows a net increase of 21 Bcf as of August 2, 2024.

EIA estimates that there were 3,270 Bcf of working gas in storage as of Friday, July 26, 2024, a net increase of 21 Bcf from the previous week. Inventories at that time were 248 Bcf higher than a year earlier and 424 Bcf above the five-year average of 2,846 Bcf.

At 3,270 Bcf, the total working gas volume is within the historic five-year range.

Weekly gas storage: Stocks increase by 21 Bcf

Oil and Gas 360

Working gas in underground storage, Lower 48 States
Historical comparisons
Billion cubic feet (Bcf)
A year ago
5-year average
region 8/02/24
Net change implicit flow Bcf % change Bcf % change
East 719 711 8th 8th 694 3.6 641 12.2
Middle West 854 842 12 12 788 8.4 742 15.1
Mountain 257 253 4 4 195 31.8 178 44.4
Pacific 289 286 3 3 232 24.6 262 10.3
south central 1,152 1,157 -5 -5 1.113 3.5 1,023 12.6
Salt 300 307 -7 -7 288 4.2 25 16.3
Non-salt 851 851 0 0 825 3.2 766 11.1
In total 3,270 3,249 21 21 3,022 8.2
2,848 14.9
Due to independent rounding, totals may not equal the sum of the components.

In some regions, with the exception of South Central and South Central Salt, there was a net increase.

All regions are above the five-year average.


By Jasper

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