Walmart in New York makes extensive changes to self-checkout

Following an increase in thefts, a Walmart in New York has made major changes to its self-service checkouts. In future, Walmart customers will only be able to use self-service checkouts to a limited extent.

Wal-Mart dominates US retail

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Do you have to show your receipt at Walmart in New York?

If a Walmart greeter asks you for your receipt in New York State, do you have to show it? According to The Hive Law, New York is one of five states where you are legally required to show your receipt if asked.

According to the National Retail Federations’ 2023 National Retail Security Survey,

This year’s study found that the average shrink rate increased to 1.6% in fiscal year 2022, up from 1.4% in fiscal year 2021. As a percentage of total retail sales in 2022, this shrink represents a loss of $112.1 billion.

New York, California, Florida, Illinois, and Washington require you to show your ID. Failure to do so could be probable cause for shoplifting. Walmart employees in these 5 states can detain you and call the police.

In these states, failure to present a receipt is a probable cause for shoplifting.

In New York, Penal Code § 155.25 defines petty theft as a Class A misdemeanor.

A person is guilty of petty theft when he or she steals property.

Wal Mart focuses on growth and opens six supercenters in Ohio

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Walmart in the north of the state limits self-checkout lanes

Although the above tweet is (I believe) a joke, it is the reason why many Walmarts are making big changes to self-checkout lanes. A Walmart store in Glenmont, which is in Albany County, is limiting use of self-checkout lanes to customers who purchase 15 items or less. Customers with more than 15 items must be checked out by clerks, according to This is a trend that Walmarts across the country have adopted.

Self-checkout lanes at Walmart seem to be a pretty polarizing topic. It seems that people either love them or absolutely hate them.


Entire neighborhood of Albany, New York, abandoned

This neighborhood in Guilderland, New York, has been empty for years. Why did these residents move away? Why was so much left behind? Furniture, old photos, and school books still stand where they were last touched, as if time had stood still.

Gallery Credit: Karolyi

By Jasper

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