Using the toilet is a human right and not a political issue

A friend of mine once said to me, “Whether you like it or not, everything is politics.” As much as I try to avoid political topics and limit myself to education and economics, unfortunately that is impossible.

Over the past few months, Monroe County Community College has been at the center of the storm for following the law and allowing individuals to use the restroom that matches their gender identity. No, we do not allow men to use girls’ restrooms! It is not a crime for a person to use the restroom that matches their gender identity; however, preventing and/or hindering a person from doing so is against the law – this is consistent with MCCC’s values ​​as an institution of higher education, consistent with our long-standing anti-discrimination policies, and consistent with state and federal law.

In terms of restroom access, single-use (gender/neutral) restrooms are available in numerous facilities on the MCCC campus. Our campus is completely safe and to ensure additional security, we have set up a safety number in the restrooms and other locations on campus that any student, guest or staff member can call or text if they feel unsafe, harassed or discriminated against at any time.

Frequently asked questions about toilets at MCCC:

  • Does MCCC allow “men to use girls’ restrooms?”
    • No, we don’t! Men must use the men’s restroom and women must use the women’s restroom. MCCC also offers several gender-neutral (single) restrooms on our campus that anyone can use.
  • How does MCCC regulate who uses the restrooms?
    • We don’t, and for practical reasons, we can’t. There is no law in Michigan that requires documents or proof of gender to access public restrooms. Moreover, requiring identification every time someone wants to use a restroom goes against our values ​​and human dignity.
  • What requirements does MCCC have regarding access to toilets?
    • What we enforce is behavior. For example, if a man enters the women’s restroom to harass persons who are lawfully present there, that person will be subject to enforcement action. If a transgender woman uses the women’s restroom and harasses other women, that person will be subject to the same enforcement action. Every student and guest should have the freedom to use the restroom without facing discrimination, harassment, threats of violence, or physical harm. This is simply common human decency, supported by MCCC policy and the law.
  • What are the MCCC’s toilet policies?
    • MCCC does not tolerate discrimination against students or guests based on sex, gender, gender identity or expression, or sexual orientation, both in restrooms and anywhere else at MCCC.
  • What does the law say about public toilets?
    • According to the Elliot-Larsen Civil Rights Act of 1976, people have the right not to be discriminated against in public facilities, including public restrooms. It is illegal to deny a person access to a restroom because of their “religion, race, color, national origin, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, height, weight, familial or marital status.”
  • Why is this a problem with MCCC?
    • The rules at MCCC are no different than any other public place in Michigan. All of our students have the right to feel safe and enjoy a sense of belonging. This rule applies across the state. This issue has received more attention at MCCC recently.
  • Is the MCCC campus safe?
    • The MCCC campus is very safe. There have been no reported incidents of violence on our campus.

Simply by upholding the law, MCCC is being criticized by some, and the attacks are not likely to stop anytime soon. What needs to stop immediately is the denial of people’s humanity and dignity. We are all broken people living in a broken world. Let’s try to show a little more understanding, tolerance and grace to those who are different from us; and while we’re at it, let’s remember that obeying the law is the right thing to do.

Kojo Quartey is president of Monroe County Community College and an economist. You can reach him at [email protected]

By Jasper

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