Upskirt photos end Florida man’s creepy shopping spree

So, upskirt photos are real? Unfortunately, they are. A 45-year-old Florida man named Thomas Burns was named “Creepy of the Week” after he was caught sneaking upskirt photos in a grocery store. Yeah, gross, right? And not just once or twice. This guy had a whole scam going on where he strategically placed his phone in a shopping cart. Usually, all you have to worry about is whether the prices have gone up, but you shouldn’t worry if you have a camera sticking out from under your dress! Now you have to watch out for undercover Publix perverts?!

According to FOX35, police became aware of this in June after someone noticed suspicious behavior at a local grocery store. The store’s cameras confirmed this, showing Thomas Burns sneaking around and pushing his shopping cart just right to snap upskirt photos of unsuspecting women. He thought he was being sophisticated, but investigators weren’t buying it. After investigating and piecing things together, they were able to track him down and charge him with video voyeurism and a few other charges for using his phone to commit the crime. What a nutcase…

Nasty upskirt photos:

Burns is no novice at this either. Investigators believe he’s been pulling this perverted stunt for about two years, not just at this one grocery store, but at other retail chains in the area. The guy was out there like a serial upskirt photographer. I mean, having hobbies is normal, but not this kind. This is pure evil.

Now this lecherous guy is headed to Alachua County Jail with a $60,000 bond hanging over his perverted head. But that might not be the end. Investigators are still digging and want to know if anyone else may have fallen victim to Burns’ creepy upskirt photo shopping cart stunt. They’re asking people to come forward and contact police if they recognize him or believe this weirdo has targeted them. And there are more weirdos out there than you think.

Meet Budman, the dynamic host of the WiLD Bunch Morning Show on Marconi Award-winning radio station WXKB on B1039. Budman enjoys writing about funny news, good stories about Florida men, dumb criminals, or anything superhero-related. A comic book and pop culture fan, Budman even named his daughter Kara Zor-El after Supergirl. His only child is his true passion beyond the microphone. Being a father is his favorite role. A true family man, Budman balances his love of radio with quality time spent with his loved ones and his loyal dogs.

By Jasper

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