Two hacker groups break into AMD and offer data for sale

The hacker groups IntelBroker and EnergyWeaponUser claim to have recently independently broken into chip manufacturer AMD and stolen data. This data is now being offered for sale via the BreachForums, which are now available again.

AMD has recently been confronted with several hacker attacks, which have exposed data of (former) employees and possibly company-relevant data.

In June of this year, the chip manufacturer was already the target of IntelBoker hackers and now it appears that this hacker gang recently had another success. According to reports, the EneryWeaponUser hackers also carried out a second, unrelated break-in.

Internal communication data

According to reports on the popular hacker forum BreachForums, it is now said to be (internal) communication data from various sources. These sources include “”, which could indicate the chip manufacturer Xilinx, which AMD took over in 2022. There are also sources under the name “”, which could indicate that AMD’s Okta system has also been leaked.

The stolen data includes user credentials, case numbers and descriptions, and internal decisions. The hackers also made available a selection of the stolen data, including user names and groups assigned tasks.

AMD itself has not yet commented on the possibility of a new violation.

IntelBroker leads again

It is noteworthy that IntelBroker is active again and is now, whether intentionally or not, supported by a new hacker gang. IntelBroker is also said to be behind the revival of the hacker forum BreachForum, which is itself experiencing a second youth after previously being deactivated.

Read also: AMD: “Hackers had no access to business-critical data”

By Jasper

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