Thieves use vehicles as battering rams in burglaries in San Fernando Valley

Thieves use vehicles as battering rams to break into two Los Angeles County stores

Thieves use vehicles as battering rams to break into two Los Angeles County stores


Surveillance video shows a group of masked thieves breaking into a tobacco shop in Chatsworth from the back of a pickup truck on Thursday morning.

“They’re targeting any business they can get their hands on,” said owner George Tomua.

Tomua said they stole thousands of dollars worth of merchandise and left him thousands more for repairs. He said it wasn’t the first time this had happened to him. Angry, Tomua told the suspects they should “work hard for their money” instead of breaking into other people’s stores.

Los Angeles Police Department investigators said they are trying to determine if the break-in at Tomua’s tobacco shop is related to another break-in at a cannabis dispensary in North Hollywood. Although the North Hollywood incident occurred hours after a pickup truck crashed into Tomua’s shop, there were some similarities between the two alleged crimes.

During the subsequent break-in, the suspects plowed through the store in an SUV, causing it to become wedged inside the store. Officials believe the SUV was used as a getaway vehicle after the first crime.

By Jasper

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