They are traveling in Buenos Aires and have received meteorological warnings from Jujuy about the Malvin Islands

The climate of this Wednesday, September 25th, was not announced in time in most of the country. En la Ciudad de Buenos Aires and the GBAthe day of despair nublado and with a lasting love que podría seguir unas cuantas horas. Y the map of advertencias del National Meteorological ServiceI’m here Amarillo level warnings for Tormentas, Vientos and Nevada in 16 provincesaffected by Jujuy hasta las Islas Malvinas.

The Porteños and Bonaerenses experienced a great deception when they set out. It was the day I fell in love una llovizna constante y molesta. These sprays are waiting to be included in the AMBA the next day as the SMN professor is confident about it “lluvias aisladas” All this time and most recently the probability has been 40%. Paciencia, Piloto y nada de ponerse a lavar ropa.

The temperature fluctuated between 14 and 21 degrees. The good announcement of the pronóstico expanded is que I won’t wait until the end of the week. However, keep in mind that temperatures will be below maximum temperatures Rondarán los 28 Grados at the beginning of next week.

The map of meteorological warnings en la Argentina muestra Numerous ads at the amarillo levelque previous “meteorological weather events with daily capacity and temporary interruption of the activities of Cotidianas”.

Para este miércoles, se prevé que las tormentas siguen afectando el norte de Entre Riosel noreste de Santa Fe y large part of the center y sur de Corrientes.

Go fuertes vientos Estarán presents a large part of the national geography. Check out the SMN preview and share Jujuy, Salta, Catamarca, La Rioja, Tucumán, San Juan, Mendoza, Córdoba, San Juan, Mendoza, San Luis, Santa Cruz and Tierra del Fuego (including the Islas Malvinas).

In addition, the Nevada Islands to the south of Santa Cruz and the greater Tierra del Fuego area can be loaded with Cotidian tarreas.

By Jasper

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