The Toro against the Campioni d’Italia, Vanoli: “Personalità e coraggio anche a Milano”. Ecco the conditions of Vanja – Torino Cronaca

I control the Campioni d’Italia in Carica and control the Fanalino of the Coda della Classifica. Paolo Vanoli You can always see it because of your Toro. «Dobbiamo metterci coraggio e personalitàSappiamo di essere in a momento no so positiveto ma mi sentanto a percorso di high e bassi» dice l’allenatore prima di partire per Milano. A San Siro I would like to play the game all’Inter with the tricolor on the pettoI made a print because the Vittoria has only been arriving since 2016. And I celebrated the last days before my first birthday by attending the presentation at the commercial center of Le Gru. Farà il suo esordio la terza maglia: Zapata e compagni indosseranno the casacca di quel colore che a tanti tifosi ricorda the shirt of the Juventus. Vedremo se almeno porterà fortuna…

Vanoli, what kind of working day is Filadelfia?
“I have had negative experiences from time to time, a team of us cannot be perfect because they are not masters and mechanics.” Bisogna issere equallibrati, sappiamo che incontriamo una grande Squadra ma for qualcosa di importante serve coraggio. “Dobbiamo giocare con personalità”.

Rivedendo la sfida against la Lazio, che Riflessioni avete fatto?
“Tutti eravamo convinti di aver fatto meglio nella ripresa, ma quello non era il myo calcio. As soon as it was first started, the relay was closed. The second I slowed the pace of calculating the outcome of my demise, the stages went down and down. It didn’t take long, and the pace had not yet been reached.

Are you ready to improve mentality?
“If I don’t have a personality, the organization is what I made.” You have a team that you have to put together with the team and only one person who will make the difference between the big team and the other players. Personality is on the side of the game and is what Tobias has to offer. However, the mentality is a matter of others, the credibility and the love they have. When the large group freed itself, they wanted to make their way to these Ragazzi. The captain he dreamed of three years ago of his work was not able to change and play everything: he was also on the road all the time and was born in this passaggio. When I came to a riot three years ago, it was difficult for me to read it…».

What is the situation in the underworld?
“Vlasic was lucky, recovered and got something out of it in February. Since I was doing all my work, I had to invite a man for the band… An important player who met me in the best conditions. Vanya? Aveva preso una botta in coppa e poi non ce l’ha fatta for the Lazio, ora però è è able and arruolabile».

Salterà la sfida contro la sua ex Squadra causa squalifica…
“La colpa della mia espulsione sta nel mezzo, devo ancora migliorare. To protect my father Godinho, he was capped and immediately went to San Siro (Ride, NDR)».

By Jasper

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