The Paso de Helene is the safest in the EEUU after talking about millions of years without electricity

PERRY, Florida, EE.UU. (AP) – El Huracán Helene has recently raised several million dollars and several million dollars in a wide zone of the safest U.S. stadiums, and three million customers have been without power to enable other residents to friendship las inundaciones.

The meteor was in the Big Bend region of Florida, in the early evening like a Category 4 hurricane, with a distance of 225 kilometers per hour (140 miles per hour) and fast to Georgia, Carolina and Tennessee, arrancando árboles, dañando viviendas, desbordando ríos y arroyos and sobrecargando las represas.

Western Carolina del Norte was virtually out of touch with the slaves and floods that had to reach Interstate 40 and other roads. Many scientists have recovered water, but it was even more dramatic when it was carried out in the rural area of ​​Unicoi, in eastern Tennessee, by doctors and nurses who landed in emergency situations and a helicopter that plunged into the water from a hospital had flown that landed aboard a river.

When I was expecting the meteor, it was converting just before a post-tropical cycle as it passed over the Tennessee Valley, retired, and reached the Dominican Republic when it hit the Huracan National Center. We are continually aware of flood warnings in the areas surrounding the Apalaches and central Los Angeles, as well as the Tennessee and Ohio areas for safety reasons.

Among the 44 years lost to the ordeal, three bombers, a woman and her friends of one month old and a woman of 89 years, had left their home in front of the hut of a tree. Another story from The Associated Press was produced in Florida, Georgia, Carolina del Norte, Carolina del Sur and Virginia.

In Carolina del Norte, a place where the film “Dirty Dancing” was released, he was supported by a representative and the evacuated veterinary colonists, although he had no idea how much he had to leave them. Newport, a town of 7,000 people in Tennessee, was also evacuated as authorities became desperate because construction was not yet complete.

They also recorded tornadoes in some zones, including the Kondado of Nash and Carolina del Norte, which buried graves four years ago.

In Atlanta it was at 28.24 centimeters (11.12 miles) in the air for 48 hours, a record for this period since it received registration in 1878, followed by the Georgia Meteorological Department in the red society floods and graves, the the water flood, are flooded by the technicians of the cars.

Moody’s Analytics had previously acquired materials worth between $15,000 and $26,000 million.

Climate change has aggravated the conditions in which the country begins to suffer, it quickly goes into hotter water and becomes strong huracanas, constantly worrying about the clock.

The country’s president, Joe Biden, said he was being guided to the affected zone by the survivors and the director of the Agencia Federal de Gestión de Emergencias (FEMA, in English). FEMA employed more than 1,500 workers, and the four-man crew had recently received 400 recruits.

Authorities advise the agency to turn to emergency equipment and not to head out before there is a chance of contact with the water, electrical wires, residual water, worn objects and other desires.

In Georgia, an electric company is supporting “disasters” in public infrastructure with more than 100 lines and high-voltage damage. As officials in Carolina del Sur, they donated more than 40% of the customers they couldn’t provide service to, saying that on some occasions near operators they just had to leave between guests to find out what they were doing at a time would.

The hurricane extended across a plain across the Aucilla River boundary, about 30 km (20 miles) along the north coast when it passed in Idalia last year, creating a potential miscalculation. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis said that the damage caused by Helene Parecían was the mayors leaving Idalia and Hurricane Debby in August.

Helene is in the Atlantic for eighteen days under the number of the Huracan time, which she received on June 1st. The Oficina Nacional de Administración Oceánica y Atmosférica said the media was temporarily monitoring ocean temperature records.


Payne reports from Tallahassee, Florida, and Hollingsworth reports from Kansas City, Misuri. The Associated Press Seth Borenstein and New York magazines; Jeff Amy in Atlanta; Russ Bynum and Valdosta, Georgia; Dánica Coto en San Juan; Andrea Rodríguez and La Habana; Mark Stevenson and María Verza in the Mexican capital and Claire Rush in Portland, Oregon, contributed to this news story.

By Jasper

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