Text messages between Kanye West and his dentist reveal possible laughing gas addiction

Kanye West continues to make headlines with little good news to share, but this time his health may be at risk. Candid text messages between West and his dentist, revealed by West’s former chief of staff, show that his claims that the fashion and music mogul is addicted to laughing gas may well be true.

Milo Yiannopoulos told the world last week that Ye has an addiction problem and claims that Ye’s dentist, Thomas P. Connelly, is largely to blame for the problem. Yiannopoulos believes Connelly West has “Yes mental faculties (diminish) so that … his business partners can squeeze millions of dollars out of him.”

Connelly and West both deny Yiannopoulos’ claims, but recently released text messages tell a different story.

This week, a group text between Yiannopoulos, West and Connelly was made public. The correspondence was all about nitrous oxide (also known as laughing gas), with Connelly even going so far as to call for the potentially dangerous gas to be legalized.

“This must be a long-term goal,” writes the dentist. “Laughing gas must be legalized for recreational use.”

It was Yeezy’s reaction to Connelly’s statements that caused both his fans and critics to debate the likelihood of his addiction.

“Tom”, Kanye West writes. “You said you’d bring them over today. Check in.”

The entire text exchange can be found HERE

Yiannopoulos said he confronted Connelly about installing nitrous oxide tanks in West’s LA home, saying the dentist claimed the tanks were “empty.”

Connelly continues to say there was no wrongdoing in supplying the nitrous oxide to West and claims that Yiannopoulos’ allegations “not only factually incorrect, but also intentionally misleading.”

By Jasper

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