Spoiled food, flies in Farmington Hills

These are just some of the violations detected between April and August.

According to Oakland County Health Department inspection reports, cross-contamination and small flies are some of the violations found in Farmington Hills between April and August.

Many of the violations have been corrected, and the presence of violations in a previous inspection report does not necessarily mean that the facility is committing the same violations today.

Restaurant inspection reports can be found at

Here is a list of some restaurant inspection violations identified by the Oakland County Health Department.

Pars Restaurant, 30005 Orchard Lake Road

During a routine inspection on May 23, an inspector discovered several problems at Pars Restaurant.

Observed raw lamb, raw salmon and raw beef skewers stored on a shelf above ready-to-eat foods in a freezer on the production line.

Yoghurt with the best-before date 5.5.24 stated by the manufacturer in a freezer on the production line.

Box of visibly spoiled tomatoes on the production line.

Two bags of visibly spoiled lettuce in a freezer on the production line.

Visibly spoiled Parmesan cheese in the walk-in refrigerator.

Bag of spinach with the best before date specified by the manufacturer of 19.05.24 in the walk-in cold room.

Yoghurt with a best before date of 21.04.24 stated by the manufacturer in the walk-in cold room.

Two packages of cream products with the expiration dates 09.04.24 and 01.05.24 stated by the manufacturer in the walk-in cold room.

Bucket of visibly spoiled cucumbers in the walk-in cold room.

Several food containers in the walk-in refrigerator were covered with mold-like deposits.

Disposable cups are kept next to a chemical container at the bar.

Insulating foam spray above the three-chamber sink.

Windex is stored next to clean equipment near the kebab machine.

In the dry storage room, bleach bottles are stored above a package of pomegranate-shaped food containers.

Soap containers are stored over disposable gloves in the dry storage room.

Large sieve, dirty with food scraps and neatly stored above the three-compartment sink.

No date labeling system in place at the facility. Based on discussions with the person in charge, none of the food items in question were stored for more than 7 days.

There is no soap available at the hand basin at the bar.

Dented cans of beans stored between healthy cans on the can shelf.

Dishwasher detergent dispenser empty.

Box of disposable gloves stored on the floor in the rear dry storage room.

No covered trash can in the employee restroom.

An employee’s mobile phone on a cutting board on the production line.

Horizontally installed cooker hood ventilation filters.

Outside of microwaves dirty with deposits.

The handles of all coolers on the production line are dirty with deposits.

The front of all coolers on the production line is dirty with deposits.

The shelves in the walk-in cold room are very dirty and show signs of mold.

Speed ​​​​Rack in walk-in cold room heavily soiled with moldy coating.

Handle of the walk-in refrigerator dirty with deposits.

Door frame of the walk-in cold room dirty with deposits.

Fan covers in the walk-in cold room dirty with deposits.

Food containers are stored openly throughout the walk-in cold room.

Handles of hand wash basins dirty with deposits.

Drain line of the fan unit of the walk-in cold room is contaminated with mold-like deposits.

Constant leak from kitchen sink faucet for food preparation.

Constant dripping from the right faucet of the three-compartment sink.

The walls throughout the rear preparation area are dirty with food debris.

Wall near the control cabinet dirty with food residue.

The walls in the walk-in cold room are dirty with mold-like deposits.

Floor on the production line contaminated by water accumulation/food residues.

Poor condition of the curved skirting board near the walk-in cold room.

Arched base tiles separated from the wall near the back door.

Craft Brew City, 27843 Orchard Lake Road

During a routine inspection on May 2, an inspector discovered several problems at Craft Brew City.

Zip sauce (contains cream) with a preparation date of April 23rd stored in the walk-in cold room.

Food thermometer not calibrated. Reading 42°F in an ice bath.

Paper towels are not available at the following handwashing sinks: end of production line, center of bar, side serving station near vending machine.

Observed a whisk kept in the hand basin at the end of the production line.

Three dented cans of pasta sauce stored between healthy cans in the dry storage area.

It has been observed that food with a shelf life of more than seven days can be stored in the walk-in cold room and in the refrigerators on the production line.

No date on the homemade ranch dressing in the walk-in cooler. According to the person in charge, it was made two days ago.

Slicer dirty with food residue and stored as clean.

Unlabeled chemical spray bottle at the bar.

The holsters of the drink pistols at the bar are heavily soiled with deposits.

The lower interior area of ​​the cool box with sliding lid on the bar is dirty with deposits.

In the walk-in freezer, boxes of food are stored on the floor.

Observed an employee phone on a cutting board on the production line.

The back door of the kitchen was open.

The self-closing mechanism on the back door of the kitchen is broken. The door does not close completely on its own.

The nozzles of the soda guns at the bar are heavily soiled with deposits.

Small flies were observed in the bar area – primarily near the glass washer, the floor drain for the large ice bin, and near the drink gun holsters. According to the responsible person’s invoice, the facility works with Premier Pest Control, who last had service on 4/30/24.

Damas Syrian Cuisine, 28841 Orchard Lake Road

During a routine inspection on July 19, an inspector discovered several problems at Damas Syrian Cuisine.

Each test strip measured 0 ppm chlorine in the dishwasher.

Raw eggs in their shells stored on a shelf above a ready-to-eat sauce in the cold room near the entrance to the kitchen.

Container of raw ground meat stored on a shelf above ready-to-eat foods in the walk-in cold room.

Observed a container of Windex stored on a shelf above the top loading cooler near the vertical grills.

I noticed that the corner wall near the back door was dirty with food debris.

India Flavors, 29205 Orchard Lake Road

During a routine inspection on August 2, an inspector discovered several problems at India Flavors.

The following cross-contamination was observed in the walk-in coolers: A bag of raw goat meat was stored on a shelf above ready-to-eat sauces. A container of cooked potatoes was stored directly on a box of raw chicken. A container of raw chicken was stored above yogurt tubs. A bowl of raw fish was stored on a shelf above ready-to-eat foods. Three bowls of raw chicken were stored on the top shelf above ready-to-eat foods. Trays of raw eggs in the shell were stored on a shelf above ready-to-eat foods.

The rinse and surface disinfectant concentration is below the recommended concentration at the three-compartment sink as indicated on the test strip. The rinse and surface disinfectant is connected to a chemical dispenser calibrated for quaternary ammonium at the three-compartment sink. The dispenser is not delivering the correct concentration of rinse and surface disinfectant.

Measured 10 boxes of samosas at 78°F on the freezer. According to the person in charge, they were left there overnight to thaw. Measured a gallon of milk at 54°F and a container of whipping cream at 63°F on the counters on the production line. According to the person in charge, they were left there for less than an hour.

Cooked lentil soup measured at 52°F in a large plastic container with a tight-fitting lid in a freezer. According to the person in charge, it sat there overnight.

The facility does not have a date labeling system for food stored for more than 24 hours. According to the person in charge, no food was stored for more than 7 days.

In the middle of the kitchen, containers of fermented dosa were observed at room temperature. According to the person in charge, the dosa is fermented at room temperature for a couple of days.

No metal rod thermometer available.

Shovels without handles are stored directly in food in walk-in cold rooms and in dry storage areas.

The cables running along the ceiling of the kitchen are dirty with accumulations of dust.

I have observed a large number of small flies – especially near the onion bags. According to the responsible person’s invoice, the facility works with CJB pest control, which was last active on 02/07/24.

Wet dishes are stacked on the storage compartment for clean dishes to the left of the three-compartment sink.

The filters of the extractor hood above the production line are very dirty. The ceiling ventilation above the coolers on the production line is dirty with dust deposits.

The ceiling tiles in the kitchen are peeling. There’s a hole in the wall by the bar. The floor tiles in every walk-in cooler are cracked.

The back door does not close completely on its own. The door is bent and does not fit into the frame.

Mulligan’s Pub & Grub, 27406 W. Eight Mile

During a routine inspection on May 1, an inspector discovered several problems at Mulligan’s Pub & Grill.

Container of raw in-shell eggs stored in a box of ready-to-eat relish packets in the walk-in cooler. Bag of partially cooked chicken stored between bags of fully cooked corned beef and above raw ground beef in the walk-in cooler.

Inconsistent date labeling system throughout the facility. Some items are labeled with a prepared date, others with an expiration date. A container of sliced ​​corned beef and a container of sliced ​​ham with no date labels in the refrigerated section. According to the person in charge, they were prepared two days ago.

Pre-cooked chicken, not labeled as pre-cooked.

Unlabeled spray bottle of chemicals stored on the shelf behind the three-compartment sink.

Small leak at the bottom of the ice bin at the bar.

The inside of the soda gun at the bar is dirty with debris. The inside of the ice maker is dirty with black and pink debris.

Holster of the drink gun dirty with deposits.

Personal food items are stored on shelves above customers’ food in the walk-in cooler.

By Jasper

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