Spin Zone: Check out these record stores near Line 1 (Part 2)

Just like the never-ending list of Washington’s musical talent, we continue with part two on some of our favorite record stores near 1-line stations.

Sit back, relax, turn on some music (if multitasking is your thing) and enjoy the next episode of Spin Zone.


My goodness, a record store in Pike Place Market?! That’s right, this aptly named secondhand record store offers classic and rare vinyl in one of Seattle’s most famous locations. Walk 0.2 miles from Westlake Station and dive down this rabbit hole of a collection.

The exterior of Holy Cow Records, one of the stores in Pike Place Market

Sub Pop Records on 7.

Sub Pop and grunge, like a cup of coffee and Seattle. Known for signing bands like Nirvana, Soundgarden and Mudhoney, this iconic record label is sure to showcase their albums and a selection of other records at its 7th Street store. 0.4 miles from the station, you can stop by Sub Pop and maybe even take home a piece of music history.

Singles remain stable

Funky vibes and a huge selection of records are what won us over at Singles Going Steady. 0.4 miles from the station there is a rather unique record shop that is guaranteed to put a smile on your face and perhaps bring home some additions to your vinyl collection.


Silver Trays SoDo

Oh, so you want a record store? How about Record Warehouse? Located 0.7 miles from SODO Station, this Costco-adjacent record store paradise is well worth the trip. Browse new and used records, and if you can’t find what you’re looking for, the staff is sure to help you out.

Columbia City

Empire Roasters & Records

We just can’t get enough of this coffee and vinyl combo. Located 0.4 miles from Columbia City Station, this small but lovely shop begs you to stay all day, so grab a specialty coffee and browse the selection of vinyl records while one plays in the background.

Be sure to check out our first episode of Spin Zone for even more record store recommendations.

The music never stops, but that brings us to the end of our list of record stores near Line 1 stations! Don’t see your favorite record store? Do you have an item recommendation? Let us know by tagging @SoundTransit on social media.

By Jasper

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