South Africa and Morocco are among the countries that use ChatGPT most frequently

South Africa and Morocco are among the countries that most commonly use ChatGPT worldwide, reflecting the growing interest in AI technology across Africa.

Nearly two years have passed since OpenAI released ChatGPT, kickstarting the generative AI revolution, and according to Boston Consulting Group’s 2023 CCI Global Consumer Sentiment Survey, consumer awareness of AI is higher than expected.

In Morocco and South Africa, 80% of consumers have heard of ChatGPT. Of those surveyed, 38% in Morocco and 31% in South Africa actively use the AI-powered tool.

In a previous IMF report, both countries were ranked among the top 10 countries in Africa most prepared for AI adoption. For example, South Africa scored 0.49 on the AI ​​Readiness Index, ranking third in Africa, while Morocco scored 0.42, ranking seventh globally.

Globally, 75% of respondents to the BCG survey have used ChatGPT or another AI-powered service. This number is surprisingly higher in markets such as India, Brazil and the United Arab Emirates, where AI usage exceeds the levels of so-called mature markets.

India has the highest percentage (45%) of ChatGPT users. This could be partly due to the large number of IT jobs in the country where ChatGPT could be of valuable assistance.

Consumers recognize the added value that technology can offer, especially in terms of improving their daily lives: 39% express positive views on the impact of AI on this factor.

There is also great enthusiasm for AI in the workplace: 60% believe AI will help with learning and education, and 55% expect it to increase efficiency in the workplace.

Respondents also expressed significant concerns about AI: 33% were worried about data security and the ethical implications of its use, and 30% were concerned that AI could potentially replace workers in certain jobs. Similar to lifestyle questions, a significant portion of respondents expressed mixed feelings about the role of AI in the workplace.

By Jasper

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