SK hydropower plant completes feed-in process

ISLAMABAD – Suki Kinari (SK) Hydropower Plant has successfully completed the feed-in process, marking the official countdown to the plant’s grid-connected power generation. Located on the Kunhar River in Mansehra, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province in northwest Pakistan, SK Hydropower Plant is a flagship project under the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC). It is the largest greenfield hydropower investment project by Chinese companies overseas and the most significant hydropower investment by Energy China.

He Xiongfei, Chairman and General Manager of SK Hydropower Station, told Gwadar Pro: “The backfeed is a critical test of the operating status of the high-voltage equipment in the 500-kV substation of SK Hydropower Station under full voltage.

The entire power transmission process strictly followed the backfeed operation procedures. After power transmission, the equipment on the entire line operated stably and all indicators met the design requirements, thus successfully achieving the set targets.” As the SK Hydropower Plant is nearing its commercial operation date, it is expected to generate an average of 3.212 billion KWH per year once it is operational. This will provide affordable and clean electricity to over one million Pakistani households and significantly impact Pakistan’s power and energy structure.

The project aims to reduce the imbalance between supply and demand and promote the restructuring of infrastructure and the economic development of the country.

By Jasper

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