Save time and money with this grocery store hack

With inflation on the rise in Colorado, we’re all trying to save money on grocery shopping. As our lives become more hectic, we have less time to shop and check if the items we’re buying are good deals.

It takes time to save money. Or does it? I want to share with you a habit we’ve started in my household. We do all our shopping in Fort Collins, but almost any Coloradan can give it a try and save hundreds of dollars like my household has.

Use this the next time you grocery shop in Colorado

I almost exclusively shop for pickup. I primarily use the King Soopers or Walmart app to select the items I want and then an associate picks up my items for me at the store.

The store then tells me when the groceries are ready and I drive there. Then they load the groceries into my car and I drive home.

K99 logo

It’s remarkably simple and I started using this free service during the pandemic.

I’ve found that this saves me a lot of time and money. I save time by not mindlessly looking up and down the aisles, and I stick to my list more often.

I also shop in a coupon section first and discover many discounts that I would have otherwise missed.

However, I buy all my fruit and vegetables personally.

Does this actually save you money in Colorado?

In my household, this is because we go to the coupon section first in the app. One of the biggest benefits is that you know your total before you checkout. No more surprises when paying for your groceries.

Experts say consumers are less likely to make impulse purchases and look for special offers, and it is much easier to compare prices.

You should try it once. You might never want to go into a grocery store again.

10 stupid reasons why you should never move to Colorado

According to KDVR, in 2022, 229,876 people moved to Colorado while 239,200 moved away. That’s 239,200 people who learned the hard way. They easily could’ve scrolled through a gallery like this one and learned 10 dumb reasons they should never have moved to Colorado.

*This list was compiled by people who truly love Colorado. If you don’t have a sense of humor, stop reading now.

Gallery Credit: Wesley Adams

8 Great Colorado Companies That Have Standed the Test of Time

Which Grand Junction businesses have been open the longest in the Grand Valley? Scroll through the gallery below as we take a closer look at who has been serving the area for 25, 75 and even 100 years.

Gallery Credit: Wesley Adams

By Jasper

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