Samantha Duke: “Seeing prospective teachers grow into new educators is the best part of my job and confirms to me that I am in the right place.”

In her role as a graduate assistant in the NC State College of Education’s Transformational Scholarships Program, Samantha Duke was able to help prepare future teachers while earning her doctorate in teaching and learning sciences with a focus on literacy and English language teaching.

After completing her studies, she looks forward to developing further as a successful teacher trainer.

Get to know Samantha:

What are your research interests?

Teacher training, critical literacy, peer mentoring and digital equality and inclusion

What has been your most meaningful moment so far as a student at the University of Education?

As part of my assistantship, I have the privilege of mentoring a group of prospective teachers during their undergraduate studies. Seeing them at work in the classroom and helping them plan lessons, reflect on their observations, and discuss their goals has been the most rewarding aspect of my experience as a graduate student in the College of Education. Watching prospective teachers grow into new educators is the best part of my job and confirms that I am in the right place and on the right career path.

What has been your best experience so far as a student at the University of Education?

In the summer of 2023, I was able to participate in the Part-Time Graduate Student Research Program and complete a research project with a faculty mentor. Through this valuable learning experience, I was able to further develop my research skills, make connections on campus, and create data visualizations that my mentor shared with me to discuss recruitment efforts. I was also able to present our findings at a national conference and am currently writing a journal article based on my continued analysis of the data.

Why do you still want to become an educator?

When I was a classroom teacher, my colleagues were my greatest support and inspiration. They helped me solve my problems and challenged me to find better ways to meet the needs of my students. I am working to become a teacher educator so that I can provide that support to the next generation of teachers and encourage their confidence, creativity and passion for education.

What do you like about the University of Education?

I love the people I have met in the College of Education, especially my fellow students. My fellow students and I have collaborated on projects, helped each other with difficult tasks, found research opportunities, listened and provided feedback on the development of our research interests, and celebrated every small success.

By Jasper

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