Rude neighbor with three cars messed up parking on her street, so she decided to lock them up » TwistedSifter

Rude neighbor with three cars messed up parking on her street, so she decided to lock them up » TwistedSifterRude neighbor with three cars messed up parking on her street, so she decided to lock them up » TwistedSifter

Let me ask you a question…

What person needs not one, not two, but THREE cars?

It’s weird, isn’t it?

But that’s exactly what this story from Reddit is about!

Read on to find out what happened!

“I (22F) live at home.

We have a neighbor (M) who rents the rooms in his house to K.

She has been living in the room for about a year now.

Who needs so many cars?

She has three cars for no reason, two are Camrys and the other is a Sentra.

Before she moved in, my sister and I always parked in front of our house.

My dad insisted that we only park in front of our house because 1) he thinks it’s rude to park in front of the neighbors’ houses since it’s on their property and 2) we have security cameras that only point at our property, so if something were to happen to our cars, it would be on the camera.

Now that K lives there, she parks one car in the driveway, another in the middle of the street in front of M’s house, and the other Camry in front of our house.

This is crazy!

There is no room for another car anywhere. There is now only room for 2 cars on the road that could normally accommodate 4 or 5 cars.

My sister and/or I don’t have a parking spot, so we have to drive to the neighborhood to park.

Some time ago my father was putting the garbage cans in front of our house as usual and when I came home from work, I got stuck behind the garbage man and he drove past our house.

I noticed that the garbage can was up on the curb and K had parked where the garbage cans belonged.

Usually they are left on the street, and when they are emptied, Dad brings them to the house.

The garbage was full, K put our garbage cans in front of our house.

I took the trash can to another block to see if the garbage man would still take it.

Another neighbor (B) saw me doing this and helped me. B helped me bring her back and told my father what happened.

He issued a warning…

Dad went to Ks and told her never to touch the garbage cans again and not to park in front of our house. He explained to her why (cameras, my daughters are not allowed to park, etc.).

It’s now December and it hasn’t stopped. My dad called M and asked him to talk to K. We heard MK yelling but still nothing changed. A few days ago she parked the Camry in front of our house and took out the Sentra.

When I got home, I decided to park in front of her. I blocked my parent’s driveway and left NO room for her to get out the front.

My sister came home and I let her park behind K’s Camry and didn’t give her any room behind me either.

The next morning, I was getting ready with the window open and K asked me to move one of the cars so she could leave, saying she was late.

Excuse me!

I told her that I was taking a shower and she had to wait. It wasn’t my fault that she was late. And if it was such a problem, she should stop taking up so much space with two small cars.

She struggled for twenty minutes but finally made it out.

Since then, I’ve been doing this every day and my family and other neighbors like B help me by telling me how close I can get.”

Let’s see what people on Reddit had to say.

This reader chimed in.

Source: RedditSource: Reddit

This person shared their thoughts.

Source: RedditSource: Reddit

Another reader liked this.

Source: RedditSource: Reddit

And one person spoke up.

Source: RedditSource: Reddit

Why does a person need three cars…?

If you liked this story, read this one about grandparents who set up a college fund for their grandchild because his or her parents won’t, but the parents then want to use the money for their sibling’s medical expenses.

By Jasper

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