Rep. Jerry Carl: Never forget September 11, 2001

Twenty-three years ago, our nation experienced one of the most tragic events of all time – the attacks of September 11, 2001. Terrorists flew planes into the Twin Towers in New York City, the Pentagon, and nearly into the United States Capitol. Lives were lost, families were broken, and our nation suffered. The War on Terror erupted, affecting everyone in the world.

This week we should remember those who have lost their lives, those who have lost loved ones, and those who risked their lives to save others.

Life has not been the same since the morning of September 11, 2001. The attacks on American soil have left a deep mark on our identity as a nation. The terrorists’ goal was, quite simply, to destroy the United States in every way possible.

From the moment the first plane hit, we held on. Although many people lost their lives, our firefighters and police officers were quickly called to help and were able to save countless lives.

This week, September 11th brings to light something truly important for our country: our security. Even though our world looks a little different today than it did 23 years ago, security in our country and at our borders has never been more important than it is today.

I and my Republican colleagues in the House understand the importance of having a safe country that can adequately protect its citizens. Even though we have passed multiple bills to resolve our border crisis, address the looming threats from China and Russia, and protect our greatest ally in the Middle East, Israel, far-left members of Congress and the Biden-Harris administration keep blocking our good, America-first legislation.

The Biden-Harris administration has proven deadly to the stability of our world, and their long list of actions speaks for itself. There is no place for hate and targeted violence in our country, and yet they have calmed anti-Semitic protests.

With Kamala’s green light, Biden recklessly withdrew troops from Afghanistan, leaving Kabul under Taliban control. Thirteen US soldiers died, and their families can only blame this administration for their loss.

I worry about the future of our nation if Kamala Harris is elected on November 5th. She is not acting in the best interests of Americans – she is leaving us vulnerable, economically challenged, and globally weak. As border czar, she has put every single American at risk. Her lack of border security has only led to a more dangerous, chaotic America.

I pray that we never experience another tragedy like 9/11. We must always remember what happened on the morning of September 11, 2001, so it never happens again. While our nation still suffers from the atrocities of that day, we must continue to stand firm for what is right for America. Going forward, I will continue to do everything I can to fight and keep the United States strong, safe, and secure.

Jerry Carl represents Alabama’s 1st congressional district. He lives in Mobile with his wife Tina.

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By Jasper

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