Rent controls would be a “catastrophe” for tenants

The introduction of rent control would be a “disaster” for tenants, argued the National Residential Landlords Association.

This initiative is based on a recent study which found that a third of private landlords would sell their properties if rent control were introduced.

Data compiled by research consultancy Pegasus Insight shows that 33 percent of landlords said the introduction of rent control would result in them having to sell some or all of their rental properties.

Ben Beadle, chief executive of the NRLA, said: “Whatever way you look at it, there are more tenants looking for a home than there are available.

“Ultimately, rent controls would be a disaster for tenants. They would only further reduce supply and undermine the few choices tenants currently have when looking for housing.

“Housing is expensive because there are not enough properties of all kinds, be it for personal use, social housing or private rental.

By Jasper

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