Public hearing scheduled for sale of former high school site

Project 2025

The Constitution of the United States of America makes no mention of political parties. For good reason. The Heritage Foundation is having tax exemption issues with the IRS because of its “crazy” Project 2025, which is supported by conservatives in the Republican Party. This Project 2025 will have significant negative impacts on the rights of women, veterans and federal employees, to name a few. No wonder Canadians are afraid of a civil war in the US after the upcoming election. Don’t be fooled, voters, check every word the political party says for its veracity.

Bob Black, Waterloo

Unholy Alliance

Looking back, it is clear that two man-made and essentially perverse European-American systems have long worked together to dominate and maintain their control over the population.

The first is Christianity, a spiritual belief system originally developed by men to keep power at the top. It requires blind faith, conversion by any means necessary, and infinite growth (more power to the top). This concept also conveniently gave the true believers the resources of this planet to use and destroy as they wished. (The teachings of Jesus obviously got lost somewhere in this power struggle.)

The second is capitalism, essentially a pyramid scheme, also designed to enrich those at the top at the expense of the many below, under the guise of encouraging creativity and allowing wealth to trickle down (oh wait, that’s another trickle down). But capitalism sank to its lowest point ever when it also combined with the unleashed, irresponsible and abhorrent power of the corporate-designed system, which also propagated the obscene narrative that perpetual growth was good and necessary on our very small, finite planet.

Due to the uncontrolled rule of these two infinitely destructive systems, many have lost hope for the survival of life on Earth.

Mary McBee, Tama

Hurray teacher

I met my partner on April 22, 1994. She had just applied for a teaching position at Cedar Falls High School. We were married that summer. Since that fateful day, I have been impressed with her professional determination, dedication, and enthusiasm. During her tenure, she has taught hundreds of students, coached many athletes, and mentored countless young people. She truly loves being a teacher. She fulfilled the role of teacher, coach, and department head of the CFHS science department. She even got me to attend my first high school prom with her as a chaperone. I am thinking about this as CFHS moves from Division Street to 27th. From a brick and mortar school I attended, six siblings went there, I sent my own children there, and several nieces and nephews walked the halls. We all graduated from this school. But now the move to a new building is in motion. In my opinion, this transition is pointless without the staff at the facility. They make it work. Their desire to expand knowledge, build character, and enrich the lives of our young people is inspiring. Thank you, Lynn, for all you do.

Howard Griffin, Cedar Falls

Despicable politics

When Joe Biden accepted Jim Clyburn’s ingratiating endorsement for the 2020 primaries, his first promise was to select a woman (insultingly sexist) and a woman of color (utterly racist) as his running mate. There was and is never any mention of raw, documented, indisputable qualifications. Just identity politics. Harris’ first order of business? Border “czar” and 8 million unvetted infiltrators of America. Her response? Send taxpayer money to (other) corrupt governments in Central America.

Fast forward to this week, when Biden caved to partisan pressure and endorsed Harris while affirming that “the mission has not changed.” The translation? Endless unaudited billions to other countries, millions more migrants crossing our border illegally, more lies from Mayorkas, more Robin Hood picking our pockets and subsidizing the care of an unknown child, or political pandering with a magical “debt forgiveness” without Congress.

Candidates for government formation must have on their resumes qualifications, track records, leadership experience in the private sector, political fairness and implemented corrective measures – all concepts that are alien to today’s hypocritical socialism-inspired democratic regime.

Our nation is not being “governed.” America is being destroyed by traitorous political elites and oath-breaking incompetents. The anti-American deception of the Democrats and their destructive media over the past four years is incalculable and unconscionable, and according to Biden, their mission remains unchanged.

Paul Higgins, Waterloo

Decision on rejection

In the Saturday July 20 edition of the Courier, Steve Bakke claimed that the Supreme Court’s recent decision to overturn the “Chevron deferment” had “rebalanced” the government by bringing it “back to basics.” I’d like to know what Bakke was smoking, because it could be strong stuff.

This is the same Supreme Court that ruled that presidents have “absolute immunity” for “official acts” while in office, which is contrary to the Founding Fathers’ intent to have a president who is a citizen of the nation and subject to its laws, not a monarch who is accountable to no one. Essentially, the Thomas Court is saying that the court system should be the arbiter of what an act of Congress says regarding regulations for clean air, clean water, and controlling how warm the climate would eventually become.

No, the Supreme Court did not “rebalance” the federal government. It simply shifted the balance in favor of the rich and the corporations who can afford to sue the federal government to manipulate the laws to their will.

Eric VanSickle, Cedar Falls


How about some more perspectives?

“First we overlook evil, then we allow evil, then we legalize evil, then we encourage evil, then we celebrate evil, then we persecute those who still call it evil.” “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil” —Isaiah 5:20.

“An ear bandage is so unnecessary,” say people who have worn a mask for two years.

“Mom, what does DEI mean?” “I don’t deserve it.”

“I would rather see all children get a free lunch at school than pay for adults to go to college.”

“Maybe the secret service should hire some Amish. They’re not afraid to stand on a sloping roof.”

“Please remember that they looked you straight in the face and told you that he was still smart and capable of doing the job and then fired him!”

“The problem is not the guns. It is hearts without God, homes without discipline, schools without prayer and courtrooms without justice.”

“How about supporting American oil on American soil?”

What prospects do you see?

Dave Smith, Waterloo

Policy settings

Let’s leave personalities and morals out of our voting decisions and focus only on the policies/procedures that affect us. Which of the following do you prefer?

Should income taxes be raised or lowered – should people keep more of their income or not? Should private businesses/individuals be more or less regulated, such as what kind of microwave ovens, refrigerators, air conditioners, toasters, cars, lawn mowers or washing machines one can own? Should 80,000 additional IRS agents be hired to audit taxpayers, or should the number of government employees – who are now the largest monthly employer in America – be reduced?

Or how about open borders that allow anyone in the world to come to America, or orderly immigration policies that protect our lives and values? How about spending more inflationary money subsidizing Chinese solar panels, windmills, and electric cars, or not doing it? Should we increase oil and natural gas production, which promotes economic growth, or shut down drilling and pipelines? Should we recruit our soldiers, FBI, and intelligence agencies based on diversity, equity, and inclusion plus pronouns or merit? What does equity mean? Results not based on merit. That is, those who do little still get just as much as those who put in the effort with all their heart. Sound familiar?

To trust the government or not? Only if it is virtuous.

Larry Van Oort, Cedar Falls

Social restrictions

According to social norms, men are not allowed to hit a woman even in self-defense because they usually have stronger upper body strength.

Women can often outmaneuver a man in social competition and portray him as evil, even when that is not the case. Social restrictions must be imposed on women. This is to balance social competition as in physical competition.

Donald Utley, Waterloo

Christian Nationalism

I’ve spent a lot of time this year writing about Christian nationalism and the danger it poses to the nation. I hope evangelicals will recognize themselves and the irreparable damage they are doing to the nation. For a while, I was in the thick of it. For decades, Christian “leaders” have incited frightened believers with stories about how “our rights are being taken away” and how “Christians are being persecuted.” How we must fight back by voting to end Roe v. Wade and stop the “gay agenda.”

It finally dawned on me that we were being used. These “leaders” were interested in political power, not in “bringing America back to God.” I finally realized that we were not going to change America by voting to take away rights from other citizens, but by humility, service, and sacrifice…like Jesus.

In a truly Christian nation, not loving your neighbor as yourself would be the worst crime. Just think of all the people who would be attracted to this agenda. It might even be enough to bring America back to God.

Doug Smith, Cedar Falls

Olympic mockery

Everyone has by now heard, read or seen pictures of the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games in Paris, perhaps the most beautiful city in the world. The Eiffel Tower in the background was breathtaking. However, the grandeur of the ceremony was overshadowed by the caricature and depiction of Leonardo Da Vinci’s famous painting, The Last Supper. This event, painted by Da Vinci, points to one of the greatest events in Christian history and this mockery before the world has deeply saddened us.

Because many Olympians have worked so hard to reach the pinnacle of their sport and perhaps their career, it is so unfair that this part of the ceremony is the most talked about event rather than their achievements. And while it will make no difference at all, we will not see a single minute of the Olympics.

John and Deb Sheda, Independence

By Jasper

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