Planning Commission delays decision on Yarrow

The Park City Planning Commission on Wednesday postponed a key decision regarding a proposal to redesign the corner of a major intersection.

Chicago-based Singerman Real Estate wants to demolish the DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Park City – The Yarrow and rebuild it on the same site at the intersection of Park Avenue and Kearns Boulevard.

The company is seeking an exception to City Hall regulations governing building heights at the site. The design calls for a height of just under 45 feet at the corner of Park Avenue and Kearns Boulevard, an increase from the 35 feet that would also be part of the design at the corner. The designs also call for certain other sites along Kearns Boulevard to reach a height of 43 feet.

City Hall’s zoning code associated with the property limits the height of buildings to 35 feet. City Hall is processing the application as a master plan. Under the rules of this type of application, a developer is permitted to request an exception to the height limits. This decision would be based on a site-specific analysis.

Shortly before the meeting, the board seemed ready to vote yes or no, but instead it debated at length before deciding to delay the decision at least until Sept. 11. Planning commission members addressed issues such as the desire for additional landscaping and buffer zones and whether the project provides sufficient open space.

The Planning Commission received about 20 minutes of testimony overwhelmingly supporting the proposal.

By Jasper

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