People want to pay parking fees separately from rent — Streetsblog USA

Parking reform advocates, backed by urban policy researchers, have long argued for “decoupling” parking costs from apartment leases rather than including them in rent. This is usually done so that households with fewer cars aren’t stuck with parking spaces they don’t need. But recent research suggests the policy is also popular among people who have more cars than average, who are often happy to pay for the extra parking spaces they need.

Previous research led by UCLA professor Donald Shoup points to the “high cost of free parking” in all aspects of life, including rental agreements. Previous studies have found a 20 percent parking fee on apartments in Portland, Oregon, an extra $200 per month in Los Angeles, and an average of $1,700 per year for structured parking across the U.S. Proponents have pushed for unbundled parking, largely to eliminate hidden subsidies for drivers and reduce costs for those who don’t drive or own fewer cars.

But a recent study from Melbourne, Australia, suggests that even those who benefit most from parking subsidies would prefer to have the option to pay more than they are entitled to.

Of 424 respondents – all living in multi-family housing – more than a third said the available parking spaces do not meet their needs. 15 percent have too many parking spaces and 20 percent have more cars than parking spaces. More than 40 percent of respondents also said they would be receptive to a separate parking fee. About 23 percent would opt for fewer parking spaces and 20 percent would opt for more. The researchers note: “Living in a household with two or more cars increases the likelihood of being receptive to unbundling off-street parking by more than three times.”

The researchers point out some potential risks of unfettered parking that may need to be addressed. For example, residents may simply park on the street if curbside parking is not well managed.

Overall, however, their study paints a promising picture of the development towards a system in which parking costs are distributed more fairly.

Editor’s note: This article originally appeared in the State Smart Transportation Institute and is republished with permission.

By Jasper

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