Passenger limit at London City Airport increases from 6.5 to 9 million

Getty Images: Airplane landing at London City Airport with a row of skyscrapers of the Canary Wharf financial district and the City of London in the background, taken at sunset.Getty Images

The government rejected changes to the curfew on Saturday

Under plans approved by the government, the annual passenger cap at London City Airport will be increased from 6.5 million to 9 million.

Another proposal to extend the Saturday check-in time for flights at the airport from 12:30 to 18:30 was rejected after a Appeal decision published by the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government.

Alison FitzGerald, the airport’s chief executive, welcomed the increase in the passenger cap but said she was “disappointed” that the curfew had not been changed.

Greenpeace said the approval “undermines Britain’s leadership on climate change” and would “mainly benefit an elite of wealthy frequent flyers”.

Weekend break

The increased passenger limit will be achieved by increasing the number of morning flights from 06:00 to 09:00, on the condition that quieter aircraft are used during this time.

The airport said it would only allow “cleaner and quieter next-generation aircraft” during the extended period.

Newham Parish Council The Strategic Development Committee unanimously rejected the proposals from the airport in July 2023, but an objection has been lodged with the Planning Inspectorate.

Among the key issues raised by the committee were noise and changes to the 25-year-old “weekend quiet” rule.

Newham Mayor Rokhsana Fiaz expressed concern about the impact of increasing aircraft noise on local residents, but welcomed the government’s agreement to maintain the Saturday curfew.

She said: “I remain deeply concerned that our citizens will be seriously harmed by the impact of further aircraft noise following the decision today to allow more early morning flights for the rest of the week.

“We will carefully review the decision and consider all options as we remain concerned about the negative impact on the health and quality of life of our residents.”

Getty Images: Protesters hold placards and shout slogans. Fossil Free London held a protest outside the Department for Transport, calling on the government not to approve the expansion of London City Airport in July 2024.Getty Images

Climate activists and citizens’ initiatives protest against the expansion

Ms FitzGerald said: “Rejecting our request to extend our Saturday afternoon operating hours will prevent airlines from bringing cleaner, quieter, next-generation aircraft to the airport.

“Residents would have also benefited from having these aircraft in operation at the airport all week long and not just during extended operating hours.”

The decision was taken by Angela Rayner, Minister for Housing, Communities and Local Government, and Louise Haigh, Minister for Transport.

In a letter announcing their decision, they said: “The Secretaries of State also agree that shortening the curfew would not enable a reduction in overall noise pollution.”

Cabinet ministers agreed that the increased passenger cap was necessary to meet growing demand at the airport.

“Clumsy misstep”

Paul Morozzo, climate campaigner at Greenpeace UK, said: “This decision is a surprisingly clumsy misstep by our new government.

“More than half of the destinations served by the airport can be reached by train in less than six hours, with Amsterdam and Edinburgh among the most popular routes.”

In addition to Newham, the proposals also met with opposition in eight other London municipalities near the airport and from local citizens’ groups.

BBC News has contacted the Department for Transport for comment.

By Jasper

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