Opinion | Australia and New Zealand are key factors for ASEAN’s food security

The food security of Southeast Asia is closely linked to that of Northeast Asia. The figures for Northeast Asia’s dependence on food imports for key agricultural products are even more alarming. Japan, for example, depends on imports for wheat (83 percent), soybeans (78 percent) and edible oils (97 percent).

Increasing domestic agricultural production seems to be the obvious answer. But the serious problems facing countries, such as land and water scarcity, cannot be solved overnight. Rather, a regional approach is needed.

Some steps have already been taken. In particular, the ASEAN Plus 3 Emergency Rice Reserve with China, Japan and South Korea provides a shared rice reserve for emergencies or natural disasters. However, the current situation shows that stronger action is needed, drawing on leading food-producing partners such as Australia.


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Why the global rice supply is in crisis

To achieve this, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, Australia and New Zealand could jointly form a joint emergency reserve and food distribution platform. The inclusion of Australia and New Zealand could create a food distribution platform with more than 2 billion people in 15 countries. This would provide leading Food exporters and large importers.

With growing populations, expanding middle classes and higher incomes, the region’s food needs will continue to rise. This will put further strains on current food production and trade. But it is unlikely that the increasing demand can be met by Asian agricultural producers and exporters alone. Australia and New Zealand are well placed to help. By participating in the proposed ASEAN mechanism, they could become the region’s much-needed “breadbasket”, boosting exports and intra-regional trade.

There are other benefits for Canberra and Wellington. Stronger economic ties reflect the interests of governments in Asia. For Canberra in particular security and prosperity Australia and Southeast Asia are closely linked, as shown in the Southeast Asia Economic Strategy to 2040.
However, there are still challenges ahead of us. In addition to ongoing tensions In addition to conflicts between China and Australia and tensions in hotspots such as the South China Sea, other concerns should also be considered, such as climate shocks and competition for natural resources, which are exacerbating food inflation and damaging agricultural production.


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India halts wheat exports as heatwave and Ukraine war threaten food security

Major concerns about the viability and resilience of the Australia-Asean partnershipand Australia’s bilateral relations with countries in Southeast Asia and Northeast Asia should also be considered. In recent years, Canberra’s food export policy has at times raised the ire of its trading partners.
In 2011, Australia imposed a six-month ban on the export of live cattle to Indonesia following the release of footage showing animal cruelty in Indonesian slaughterhouses. The temporary ban and the sudden loss of a key export market had a significant economic impact on Australian players, including Farmers and exportersEstimates at the time suggested that suspending all live cattle exports to Indonesia could cost the industry up to A$320 million.

On a diplomatic level, the ban strained relations between Australia and Indonesia. Indonesian officials condemned the decision, viewing it as interference in their internal affairs and economic interests. The dispute between Australia and Indonesia over the export of live animals was later resolved through negotiations and commitments to improve animal welfare standards.

Australia has learned important lessons from this episode. In particular, the dispute has helped Australian politicians to better understand local conditions and the importance of cooperation and coordination with Southeast Asian partners.
Australian beef in a supermarket in Beijing. Australia is a leading meat exporter and was the world’s fourth-largest beef exporter in 2022. In 2023, the country supplied half of the world’s sheep meat. Photo: AFP
For a food security grouping to work, Australia must also consider the potential challenges posed by North East Asian partners. For example, his barley trade Trade with China is marked by significant disputes. The most prominent dispute occurred in 2020, when China imposed 80.5 percent anti-dumping tariffs on barley imports, effectively blocking exports to the Chinese market. The Chinese Ministry of Commerce said Australian barley was being sold at unfairly low prices, damaging the barley industry in China.
The tariffs are hurting the Australian barley industry. Between 2014-15 and 2018-19, Australian barley exports to China averaged about A$1.2 billion per year. However, Australian farmers and exporters have been forced to find alternative markets such as Saudi Arabia and Vietnam. At the same time, the average value of barley exports fell from A$407 per tonne in 2019–20 to A$310 per tonne in 2020–21.

To restore trust with Beijing, Canberra could engage in sustained diplomatic dialogue. Establishing regular high-level meetings between trade representatives could help clear up misunderstandings and provide a platform for resolving disputes related to food imports or exports under the proposed ASEAN Plus Five mechanism.

In an increasingly fragmented geopolitical environment, increased intra-regional trade and larger emergency food stocks could contribute to greater regional stability and resilience to transnational challenges. And this is necessary. Food is too important to be removed from the region’s political agenda.

Genevieve Donnellon-May is a researcher at the Oxford Global Society, Asia-Pacific analyst for The Red Line podcast, and one of the Pacific Forum Young Leaders 2023.

By Jasper

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