Officials warn of increase in fake burglaries in Deer Park area

Officials warn of increase in fake burglaries in Deer Park area
File photo – Lake County Sheriff’s Office | Photo: Woo-Sung Shim / Lake and McHenry County Scanner

Village officials are warning Deer Park residents of an increase in burglaries, which typically target seniors, with suspects using ruses to break into homes.

The Lake County Sheriff’s Office recently alerted the community of Deer Park that the number of burglaries caused by false pretenses is on the rise.

In a fake burglary, a suspect attempts to lure the homeowner outside, either to the back of the building or into the basement, to discuss a problem with his or her home or a neighbor’s home.

After the homeowner is distracted, a second or more suspects enter the home to commit the burglary.

The perpetrators usually target the homes of senior citizens. “However, anyone can become a target,” the municipality says.

Village officials said the sheriff’s office also reported that there have been particularly concerning recent scams related to asphalt driveway sealing.

The scammers spray motor oil or other harmful chemicals on driveways, which look good for about a day and then wash away.

Village officials said 90% of the waterproofing contractors who arrive at residents’ homes looking for business are scammers and may belong to fraudulent burglary gangs.

Perpetrators who commit sneak burglaries use many different storylines. Some ask to check the water supply or water pressure, offer to repair gutters and fences or trim trees, point out that there is a problem with electricity in the area, ask about houses for sale in the neighborhood, pose as a utility worker or village employee, and offer to repair the driveway without being asked.

Residents are advised to verify the credentials of anyone claiming to be a utility or municipal employee, be wary of workers without a company vehicle, be particularly alert to elderly neighbors, be alert to suspicious activity in neighbors’ homes, and keep doors and windows locked at all times.

“Be alert if someone comes to your door or approaches you with unsolicited business. Ask for identification from anyone who approaches you and tell them that you will verify any work done in the area with the police,” village officials said.

Jewelry, cash and other valuables should be kept in a safe place. Strangers should never be allowed into residents’ homes or residents should be distracted by leaving their front door unlocked.

By Jasper

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