Nutrition: The important role of diet in overall health – The Stanly News & Press

Nutrition: The important role of nutrition for overall health

Published on Saturday, August 10, 2024, 00:00

Metro Creative Connection

NNutrition is a popular topic of conversation, especially among people embarking on a weight loss or maintenance plan. People carefully study the macronutrients in foods and research different diets to get the most out of the foods they eat. When the end goal is simply to look good, it can be easy to forget the other benefits of a nutritious diet, including its connection to overall health.

There is a strong link between nutritional status and health. Experts at Tufts Health Plan recognize that good nutrition can help reduce the risk of developing many diseases, including heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and some cancers. The term ““You are what you eat” still holds true.

According to the World Health Organization, better nutrition means stronger immune systems, fewer illnesses and better overall health. However, according to the National Resource Center on Nutrition, Physical Activity and Aging, one in four older Americans suffers from poor nutrition. And this situation is not limited to the elderly. A report on the global burden of chronic disease published in The Lancet concluded that poor nutrition contributes to 11 million deaths worldwide—about 22 percent of adult deaths—and contributes to poor quality of life. Low fruit and whole grain consumption and high sodium intake are major risk factors for disease in many countries. Common nutritional problems can arise when you choose convenience and routine over balanced meals that truly fuel the body.

Improving nutrition

Guidelines for how many servings of each food group a person should eat each day can vary slightly from country to country, but have many similarities. The U.S. Department of Agriculture used to use the “food pyramid” as a guide, but has since switched to the MyPlate resource, which emphasizes how much of each food group should fit on a standard 9-inch dinner plate. Food groups include fruits, vegetables, grains, proteins, and dairy. The USDA’s dietary guidelines have been updated for the 2020-2025 guide.

Recommendations vary by age and activity level, but a person consuming 2,000 calories per day should eat 2 cups of whole fruit, 2 1/2 cups of colorful vegetables, 6 ounces of grains, half of which are whole grains, 5 1/2 ounces of protein, with an emphasis on lean protein, and 3 cups of low-fat dairy products. People should limit their intake of sodium, added sugars and saturated fats. As a person ages, they generally need fewer calories because they are less active. Children may need more calories because they are still growing and tend to be very active.

By Jasper

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