New video renderings of Jaycee Park released amid heated cape debate

CAPE CORAL, Fla. – The Jaycee Park project will move forward as a public-private partnership after a 6-2 vote. Cape Coral community correspondent Bella Line was at the council meeting Wednesday, where we saw renderings of what the park could look like and heard both sides of the issue.

“You will not listen to us and you will not stay in office long if you continue at this pace,” said a man wearing a T-shirt that read “Save Jaycee Park.”

“Stop talking about the trees, think about the people with disabilities,” said a man who supported the Jaycee Park redevelopment project.

Check out Bella’s full report below.

PARKING PROBLEMS: Dispute over Jaycee Park continues and heated discussions erupt at city meeting

After more than a year of wrangling over the future of Jaycee Park, the City Council has voted to move forward with an $18 million plan that could bring food and beverages to the new park and ultimately look like this…


Renderings by Pennoni shown at Wednesday’s City Council meeting for the final hearing on Jaycee Park

But the group “Save Jaycee Park” put up one last resistance. They called on the city council to postpone the decision.

“We’ve done a lot of research, we’ve talked to environmentalists and arborists and we’ve taken their advice to heart, but what I see is that they keep telling us, you’re going to like this and this is what we think is good for everyone. And I think that’s a difficult position for a council to be in,” said Anne Berchtold, a supporter of Jaycee Park in its current form.

However, there was a large group of people present who supported the changes.

“As young adults, we take our kids to other parks in Fort Myers and Naples in Punta Gorda. I mean, we leave our community. We pass by Jaycee Park to go to other parks, so it would be really nice to not have to drive across the bridge and pay the toll,” said Erin Soloway, who is in favor of changing the park.

It was a point of conflict for many, and now they’ve had enough!

“You want the park, you can have it,” said a woman at the end of the council meeting.

FOX 4 will keep you updated on the development of the Jaycee Park project.


By Jasper

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