New guidelines for students returning to school in Clark County

LAS VEGAS, Nevada (FOX5) – Classes started again in the Clark County School District on Monday, so it’s time to look at some new policies that will go into effect this school year.

All middle and high school students are required to wear an ID while on campus and place their cell phones in these unlocked, signal-blocking bags during class.

“We listened to our community and parents. The most important thing was, ‘I need to have access to my kids in an emergency.’ So we didn’t do what many other districts have done, like banning cell phones altogether,” said Kevin McPartlin, CCSD’s assistant superintendent.

A CCSD student who was against this concept started a petition that now has over 25,000 signatures.

“I think these bags are a waste of money just because they’re basically just fabric,” says student Charlize Leary. “It’s like telling a kid to put their phone in their backpack but putting it in a plastic case.”

District officials say the purpose of the bags is to avoid distractions in class and to give students access to their phones in case of an emergency.

To ensure student safety outside the classroom, all CCSD middle schools will have crossing guards this year—two to six at each school, depending on the size and speed of surrounding streets.

“Last year, I reported that 70 students were struck by vehicles on their way to and from school during the school year. Unfortunately, that number has doubled this year,” said CCSD Police Chief Mike Blackeye after the 2023-2024 school year.

As nearly 300,000 students return to campus, city police are also doing their part, standing ready to educate drivers on the rules in school zones.

“We will be increasing our presence out there and will be happy to issue you a friendly reminder in the form of a ticket if you violate any of these rules,” said Lt. Daryl Rhoads of the Metro Police Traffic Bureau.

By Jasper

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