Making this the best year ever – Joseph Alvarico

Collaboration is key for CTA members

Joseph Alvarico
Mt. Diablo Educational Association

Here are some pointers for fellow California teachers to help us get off to a great start and keep moving throughout the school year. First, create a welcoming and inspiring classroom environment where students feel your enthusiasm and passion when they come in. Greet them at the door with a warm greeting, handshake, or fist bump. Decorate your space with bright colors, inspirational quotes, and student work. Set clear expectations from the start. Establish routines and guidelines to foster a structured and respectful learning environment. Consistency ensures students understand what is expected of them and fosters a sense of safety and trust.

To get students excited about the curriculum, assign them engaging, hands-on group activities during the first week. I facilitate technical design tasks like the spaghetti marshmallow tower and longest paper bridge. These activities create the expectation that my lessons will be interactive and hands-on. They provide opportunities for side conversations so I can learn about students’ interests and assess their communication skills. I can observe who naturally takes on roles like leader, designer, or researcher, see how they handle disagreements, gauge their engagement, and observe their reactions to setbacks. These observations help me better understand my students and foster a collaborative and dynamic classroom environment.

Collaboration is key. Share resources, lesson plans, and best practices with colleagues. Leverage technology. Explore generative AI to improve and streamline lessons. Use design software like Canva for faster, more effective presentations. Engage in professional development to stay up to date on educational trends and technologies. Continuous learning benefits us and enriches our students’ experiences.

Starting and finishing strong is crucial, and when the weeks get long, self-care is key. Here are my top self-care tips you can try: Schedule time for yourself. Relax by reading a book, catching up on your favorite TV shows, or working on home improvement projects. These activities keep my creativity flowing and help me return to class more engaged and ready to try new things. Take regular breaks, stay physically active, and spend quality time with loved ones. Taking care of our health helps us give our best to our students.

Read more about the other California Teachers of the Year 2024.

By Jasper

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