Lowkey launches 360-degree creative direction services, The Suite Shop

Lowkey, a leading film, advertising and content production company, has announced the expansion of its offering with the launch of its Creative Direction Services, also known as The Suite Shop. This new offering has been deliberately developed in response to artists and brands’ desire for comprehensive 360° campaigns. It goes far beyond the individual campaign or music video, delivering cohesive creative results at every level and across all platforms, both digital and physical.

This move underlines Lowkey’s commitment to delivering impactful, multi-layered campaigns in the ever-changing creative landscape. Lowkey recognises that creating the same content in the same way is not sustainable, so Lowkey is constantly evolving and expanding its offering to continue to collaborate and create with its partners in the most modern and proven way.

This development marks a move towards what Lowkey calls FDR (Full Disclosure Representation), which is about evolving the traditional model of exclusive representation and celebrating the creatives they love through open collaboration. This has allowed them to build strong relationships with some of the most talented creatives currently working both domestically and internationally, allowing them to thrive without feeling constrained by exclusive ties to one organization. On the creative direction side, talent such as Jenna Marsh and JP Bonino are examples of Lowkey’s expanded collaborator network, joining the existing two-time Cannes Lion Grand Prix winner BRIGHT NIGHT, who is also on Lowkey’s directorial roster.

Tailor-made creative campaigns

Lowkey’s expanded offering provides end-to-end creative direction, including ideation, development, production and execution of bespoke campaigns. By working closely with artists, brands and their teams, Lowkey is able to develop a bespoke campaign narrative that authentically represents and highlights the existing creative identity.

Using their network of talented creative directors in the UK and around the world, Lowkey will first develop the perfect CD for the project and then, as an extension of a client team, they will conceptualise, develop, execute and deliver a bespoke package that meets the project’s objectives and budget. Leveraging their expertise in live action production, Lowkey knows how to create engaging visual content that resonates with today’s audiences. Using their existing network of collaborators, they will then expand the project into the digital, physical and experiential realms.

“This evolution is a response to industry-wide discussions, particularly in music, where it’s becoming increasingly difficult to justify the traditional, single campaign component. By creating an entire world or ‘brand,’ you can have a much greater impact on engagement and culture,” says Tara Bartlett, Head of Special Projects.

“We’re excited to not only be able to offer our clients the multi-faceted campaigns the industry demands, but also to provide our creatives with a playground where they can push their ideas much further. We can work with some of the best in the industry to extend the curated worlds to new media.”

Comprehensive range of services

Lowkey’s extended creative direction services include, as a very first deliverable, the delivery of a complete ‘brand bible’ for the campaign. This sets the story and identity of the project and serves as the driving force of the campaign.

Lowkey will bring all creative direction, project management and output under one roof, ensuring the campaign runs smoothly. Photography and videography, branding and design, content capture and digital assets will all be handled by Lowkey. And if you want even more, they can take the campaign directly to the audience through experiential marketing, allowing artists to create unforgettable brand experiences that drive engagement and build long-term fan loyalty – all as a seamless extension of their project identity.

A proven process for success

Lowkey has developed a comprehensive process to ensure the success of every campaign: Before any project commitment, they start by understanding the project goals and facilitating chemistry meetings between the CD and the artist/brand. The next steps will be to ensure a smooth project completion with detailed mood boards and a comprehensive brand bible. Lowkey will take full project delivery and management, ensuring a systematic approach that enables clear communication, creative alignment and efficient execution of each campaign.

By Jasper

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