Local school district addresses concerns about cafeteria overcrowding, bathroom rules and expired food | News

MARSHALL COUNTY, Kentucky — A local school district is dealing with problems after students complain of overcrowding during lunch periods, strict bathroom policies and expired lunches.

In response, students at Marshall County High School started a petition and collected more than 200 signatures.

Superintendent Bill Thorpe said they wanted students to voice their concerns, but said there were misunderstandings between students and administration.

Superintendent Bill Thorpe

Bill Thorpe, Marshall County Schools Superintendent.

However, parents at Marshall County High School said they hope their children and staff can communicate and make sure the start of the school year goes well for everyone involved.

Students hurriedly left the cafeteria and headed to their next destination: their classes. However, some students are concerned about the lunch rules and started a petition. Rebecca Boyd is the mother of one of the students who signed the petition.

“If they’ve already tried to talk to the teachers and the principal and they’re not listening, maybe if the community gets involved there will be a change,” Boyd said.

The petition referred to bathroom rules that did not allow students to use the restroom.

However, Thorpe said that due to concerns about vaping, students are allowed to use certain restrooms but not others.

He also said the cafeteria does not distribute expired food.

Plus, it’s always crowded at the beginning of the year, Thorpe said. He said students and staff become more efficient at standing in the lunch line as the day goes on.

“We let them speak their minds and we listen to them,” Thorpe said. “We want to accommodate them when we can, but … some things are the way they are.”

Boyd hopes her children will have a say if there are concerns about the protocol.

“I think if they listened to the kids more, maybe they could make the school better for the kids,” Boyd said.

In the petition, students addressed a mold problem in the building. Thorpe said it came from a condensation drop on a pipe and the school district is working to fix the problem.

Thorpe also stressed that there will continue to be regular updates at school, particularly from the principal, who will address issues such as concerns about lunch.

By Jasper

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