Letter to the editor: Winters’ life made Kingston Springs a better place

Dear Editor,

Last week, Kingston Springs lost a town elder, community activist and brave old lion with the passing of Robert (Doug) Winters. Doug and his wife Barbara lived in Kingston Springs for nearly 40 years in one of the first homes built on Rural Route 2, now known as East Kingston Springs Road (EKSR).

Over the years, Doug attended countless commission meetings, always pushing for action and bringing forward ideas to make the EKSR safer. Whether it was installing rumble strips, maintaining roadside vegetation, installing speed limit signs, calling for reinforced striping, or advocating for widening the road itself, Doug’s ideas were numerous, sometimes imaginative, and always straightforward.

However, Doug’s commitment to this issue did not end at the door of the City Manager or the City Commission. When the Commission mistakenly believed that the introduction of rumble strips only During the paving work, Doug was not averse to it and contacted both TDOT and Senator Kerry Roberts to make his point. Shortly thereafter, rumble strips were milled into the existing roadway of the EKSR. So if you are ever traveling on the EKSR and accidentally come into contact with the roadside rumble strip, you can thank Doug for the loud and vibrating wake-up call and for making us all a little safer.

Doug also set an example of treating others the way you would want to be treated. He was a passionate and loyal advocate for his neighbors’ rights and was not afraid to speak up for them and voice his support when there was controversy. He made a difference and was a good friend to many in Kingston Springs.

Doug fought the good fight, finished the race and kept the faith.

Carolyn Clark, Kingston Springs

By Jasper

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