Letter of resignation – Estes Park Trail-Gazette

Dear County Commissioners, City Administrators, Board Members and Visit Estes Park Staff:

It is with respect and admiration that I submit my resignation.

My last day as CEO of Visit Estes Park will be Friday, September 6th. I have accepted a position as President and CEO of Visit Florida Keys & Key West. This is the right move for me and my family at this time.

It has been a great honor and privilege to serve the community in this capacity and I hope you will look back on our time together as productive. I am sure you will. I have learned so much from each of you and will carry that with me as I go along. Thank you for working so diligently with us on our many ambitious endeavors over the past three years. I believe we have much to be proud of and I love Estes Park.

VEP Chairman Sean Jurgens is calling a special meeting of the VEP Board of Directors via Zoom for next Thursday, August 15, at 2 p.m. to discuss the appointment of an interim CEO and the hiring of a permanent CEO.

He also asked if I would chair the annual joint board meeting before I leave to discuss the VEP operating plan with all governing bodies. I will be happy to do so and will contact city and county officials to see if this is possible.

With much respect and admiration,

Kara Franker

By Jasper

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