Largest AM radio station on the Oregon coast celebrates 3-year anniversary

GARDINER, Oregon – KDUN 1030 AM is the largest AM radio station on the Oregon Coast and is celebrating its third anniversary on Labor Day.

It was purchased three years ago by famous Reedsport radio presenter Delilah Rene Luke Warner – known to her audience as Delilah.

The AM station originally went on the air in 1961 as KRAF, serving the Reedsport and Florence areas, and later became KDUN, the only 50,000-watt AM radio station on the Oregon coast, according to station general manager Bob Larson.

“That’s the maximum allowed by the FCC for an AM radio station. Our coverage area can be 75 to 80 miles or more. It can go from Reedsport to Albany, from Reedsport to Newport, and also down the south coast to Brookings and down to Canyonville – so it covers a huge area,” Larson explained.

In honor of the anniversary, KDUN will broadcast entirely digitally and feature on-air contests featuring new jingles and well-known radio personalities on Labor Day.

Delilah is now heard on 139 stations and is, according to Larson, the most listened to woman on the radio. In addition to her experience as a radio host, Delilah is an author and podcaster. She has also appeared on television.

KDUN’s goal is to bring back retro radio and continue to evolve by introducing new equipment to keep high-quality audio and streaming services on the air for many years to come, Larson said.

By Jasper

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