Keep your home cool and reduce your energy costs in summer: Here’s how

The summer of 2024 is set to be an absolute scorcher, surpassing last summer’s record high temperatures. So it’s no surprise that your home cooling costs are expected to be nearly 8% higher this summer, with the average cost of cooling an American home expected to hit a 10-year high. Fortunately, there are still ways to save money without sacrificing your comfort.

When temperatures are sweltering, you need an air conditioner to keep your home cool. It’s understandable that you want a comfortable living environment, but it’s also important to be aware of how energy efficient your home is. You may be tempted to turn down the temperature of your thermostat all the way down, but lowering the temperature will increase your electricity bill – especially with Energy costs remain high.

That is why we have put together some tips on how to keep your home as comfortably cool as possible while minimising your electricity consumption. Something as simple as turn on a fan or closing the blinds during the day can make a big difference.

Here are six tricks to keep your home cool and use your thermostat more economically when it’s warmer outside. (For more tips, also check out a smart plug or smart thermostat, which lets you adjust your thermostat’s temperature, and install weather stripping to save extra money.)

1. Sign up for an energy audit

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If your home isn’t brand new, cold air is probably escaping through doors and windows with poor seals, a poorly insulated attic, or other places with hidden cracks.

To see how well your home is keeping the cold in, sign up for an energy audit with your energy provider or a local contractor. A certified energy assessor or auditor will check your home for leaks and recommend the best way to make your home more energy efficient.

I do not want to Test? You can do a DIY check instead. Stand outside your house and run your hand around the windows and doors. Can you feel cold air escaping? If so, seal any leaky windows and insulate any doors.

2. Get a smart thermostat

If you haven’t yet switched to a smart thermostat – such as one from Ecobee or nest — then it may be time to make a change. Smart thermostats can control heating and cooling when you’re not home to save money. Plus, you can adjust settings remotely through an app on your phone or voice commands. Here’s our list of best smart thermostats to help you make the best decision for your home.

3. Check the placement of your thermostat

The placement of the thermostat can play a big role in how well your air conditioning works. For example, if you place the thermostat on a wall right next to a hot window, your air conditioning will kick on much more often than necessary because your thermostat thinks the room is warmer than it actually is. Here’s how to do it Choose the perfect wall for your thermostat And the ideal temperature you should set it toYou may also want to consider a smart thermostat with additional room sensors that will allow you to monitor the temperature throughout your home.

4. Close the blinds

A window letting the hot sun in will not only heat up your thermostat, but it will heat you up too. Close your blinds during the warmest part of the day to keep the sun out. This can also help insulate your windows so the cold air doesn’t escape. There are also special insulating blinds, curtains and drapes that can keep your home even cooler.

Intelligent ceiling fan Haiku with three wooden blades Intelligent ceiling fan Haiku with three wooden blades

A fan can help save cooling costs.

Chris Monroe/CNET

5. Try a ceiling fan

You don’t always have to crank up the air conditioner to feel cooler. A ceiling fan can make a room cooler, allowing you to raise the thermostat temperature by 4 degrees “without a drop in comfort.” If you want to go high-tech, you can install a smart ceiling fan that connects to an app and automatically adjusts to schedules you create. Make sure your fan rotates counterclockwise in summer to achieve the greatest possible benefit.

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6. Increase the temperature

To save as much money as possible, always set your thermostat to the highest temperature you can comfortably tolerate. A programmable thermostat makes it easy to keep your air conditioner at the right temperature. You can program the unit to maintain higher temperatures while you are at work and cool down just before you return home.

According to the Nebraska Energy Office, you can save 10% on your cooling costs per year by setting your thermostat just 10 to 15 degrees Fahrenheit higher for 8 hours each day. The U.S. Department of Energy recommends aiming for an indoor temperature of 78 degrees Fahrenheit when you’re home. It’s OK if 78 degrees isn’t feasible for you; even a small change in temperature can save you a lot of money and reduce your energy costs by as much as 3% annually.

For more information on saving energy, check out our home sustainability cheat sheet, which is full of eco-friendly tips and how you can save money by unplugging certain appliances when you’re not using them.

More money-saving hacks for your home

By Jasper

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