Karime is the second man of La Casa de los Famosos México and despises La Jefa | Shows great

La Casa de los Famosos México ended on September 29th and the four finalists lived in moments of tension; Without embargo, Galilea Montijo was announced shortly before the adoption of the name of the temporary owner I was convinced when I reached the second finalist.

The conductor opened with the last two residents as it emerged that Gala Montes and Arath de la Torre were staying on the terrace and in the room respectively.

“The finalists are about to tell me that I will lose them in two hands, over the name of the winner or the winner of La Casa de los Famosos México, because they will lose the lights and settle the score with the four million pesos “, Exactly .

When Karime revealed in the second year, she was delighted by Mario Bezares, who congratulated him by the large group that provoked him just a few months ago when he set off.

Karimese dijo feliz por ser the second finalista I gave up the reality show at the big door and took on the Esperan Diego de Erice and Odalys Ramírez.

Before giving up the house, Karime had an emotional despedida and it was like this Jefa dedicated a message to himDonde destacó todo lo que vivió detro de Reality Show.

“Karime told me that Mexico was a real girl and knew a real girl. “Se va una of my hijas super ponedoras… Siempre estuvo dispuesta a darlo todo todo por sus compañeros… Karime segunda finalista of La Casa de los Famosos México,” details.

By Jasper

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