Kansas residents can apply for food assistance

TOPEKA, Kansas (WIBW) – Low-income families in Kansas have the opportunity to apply for $120 in food assistance through the new Summer EBT program.

Assistance is available to all school children in Kansas who are eligible for free or reduced-price meals during the school year based on their income.

The Summer EBT program is the first new, permanent federal nutrition program in nearly 50 years.

Families will receive $120 for each eligible child to help them purchase groceries during the school-free summer months. Benefits received will help cover expenses this summer.

DCF has automatically paid benefits to nearly 100,000 students who were already enrolled in the system earlier this summer, but families of the remaining 140,000 eligible children in Kansas will not be able to receive their benefits unless they fill out an application.

To learn more about Summer EBT and find out if your family might be eligible, visit DCF’s Summer EBT information sheet.

Applications must be submitted by September 11 through the Kansas Department for Children and Families website.

By Jasper

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