Is the Carted app good? Here is our review, 2024

If you’re like me, spring brings a subtle change in the weather and you dig deep into your closet to find those long-lost summer favorites. And you might also realize that it’s time to restock your seasonal classics. For me, it was the realization that I didn’t have enough summer dresses to make ends meet. With the season’s trends already trickling in from the northern hemisphere, I also know what’s coming next.

Between Brat Summer, Pirate Core, and “Boho Chic,” I’m mostly in need of some breezy, yet slightly casual dresses to get me through the warmer months. And while my almost all-black wardrobe is more of a “Brat” aesthetic, I want some flirty white summer dresses to balance the mood.

Sienna Miller white dress
This is the mood for everyone who is interested in my vision. Image: Getty

Granted, I can’t empty my bank account for everything I like (thanks, Cozzie Livs), but my attitude towards shopping is much strategically lately. Who am I kidding? It’s basically a precision sport.

I’m the kind of shopper who likes to explore her options and maybe think about a piece for at least a week before making the purchase. I also like to know if the item I’m buying will achieve its price per wear and, hey, if it goes on sale, I’ll definitely pay attention.

Luckily, I found the perfect virtual assistant to help me with my search: the shopping app. More specifically, the Australian app Carted.

My favorite feature of creating “lists” is that I can visualize the things I’m thinking about in one place. I fight my natural urge to have 20 tabs open at once, and Carted gives me the brain-friendly option of having two light different dresses from two completely different suppliers right next to each other.

App lists added to the shopping cart
My curated list with some very different prices.

Be warned: This is not an app for hasty shoppers. For me, that’s exactly what I like about it. It’s about making more considered decisions when planning your purchases. In that sense, it’s not only a handy shopping companion, but also a valuable budget planning tool. Rather than risk buying three white summer dresses (and realistically only wearing one), I compiled my list and can not only compare how they look, but also compare prices by adding multiple vendors under one item to see the price difference. In addition to this budget-friendly point, you can also track when things go on sale.

This COS dress is available at two different locations with a price difference of $10.

While there are several “wardrobe companion” apps on the market, this is my go-to for a more cost-effective (and better put-together) summer wardrobe. Can I say this is the “smart girl” way of shopping?


By Jasper

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