In the north of Angers there is a festival for a different agriculture

“We, the farmers, have spoken out.” I really need to explain a comment about the product. » Ask yourself questions about the environment, about animal cruelty, about greengrocers, the world of agriculture is souvent Malmené. Certainly, as Alain Huet confirms.

“We defend family farming on a human scale”argues with the height difference in organic farming in Écuillé (Maine-et-Loire). Sa ferme sert de cadre à la Fête de l’agriculture Paysanne, organized by the Confédération Paysanne, on September 21st.

The herb is poured into the moutons and into the bâtiments

Alain and Cécile Huet were installed on the farm of the Casserie, an exploitation whose value does not exactly correspond to the opponent of intensive agriculture. Here, 80 hectares are suitable for more than 200 small allaitantes. Les souls bâtiments existants « Sont là pour les agnelages l’hiver ». C’est-à-dire quand les brebis mettent bas. “Dès que l’herbe repousse on sort les animals.” »

By Jasper

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