Improve Ohio by voting out Republicans

Since 1992, Republicans in Ohio have had 26 trifectas. This means that a political party has majorities in both chambers of the state legislature (Senate and House of Representatives) and in the governor’s office. The Democrats had none. Ohio had a Democratic governor for some years and a Democratic majority in the House of Representatives for some years, but both did not occur at the same time.

So we can confidently thank Republicans for Ohio’s ranking of 36th in the nation, making it one of the worst states to live in (according to a 2024 US News and World Report study). This study concluded that the Buckeye State ranked in the top 20 in two areas, but finished in the bottom half in several other categories:

  • No. 17 in financial stability
  • No. 20 in opportunity
  • #27 in Education
  • No. 30 in infrastructure
  • #33 in Crime and Corrections
  • #35 in Healthcare
  • No. 39 in business
  • #41 in “Natural Environment” (This category includes air and water quality and pollution.)

According to another study conducted by Shield HealthCare, Ohio ranks 8th in infant mortality (only seven states have more infant deaths) and 42nd in life expectancy (residents of 41 states can expect to live longer than Ohioans).

These and other studies aim to show how well states serve their residents. The studies tell me that our Republican officials are not doing well at all. Time for a change. Albert Einstein is reported to have said, “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” Come on, Ohioans! We have the right to expect different results. Let’s not do the same thing again this year.

Joyce Campian, East Rochester

By Jasper

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