I’m a theme park expert who took a proper Disneyland family vacation for the first time in years. Here’s one thing that was worth the money and one that absolutely wasn’t

I’ve been a fan of theme parks my entire life, and now writing about them has become my real job. I’m not afraid to call myself a theme park expert. I’ve learned a lot about how they work, from the behind-the-scenes design of the attractions to the operational aspects of major parks like Disney World and Universal Studios. And yet, even I can learn something new on occasion.

You see, since writing about theme parks is my job, most of my travels over the past few years have been work-related. When there’s something new to report at Disney World, like the opening of Tiana’s Byou Adventure, or when I’m invited to Universal Studios Hollywood to experience Super Nintendo World, I head out alone or with work colleagues to get the job done.

By Jasper

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