I stayed in an Airbnb for  a night – you won’t believe what I got

It offers a lot of Bangkok for your money.

With inflation worldwide, dollar accommodation may seem like a pipe dream. However, one resourceful backpacker from the US was actually able to snag an Airbnb for just a dollar a night in Bangkok, Thailand, which he reviewed and shared online.

“I paid a dollar for this Airbnb and I’m going to show you how to get in,” content creator and funnyman named Mike Rari gushed in the “Cribs”-style video, according to Viral Press.

The exact location of the rental unit is unclear, but reports say it is a 10-minute drive from the Thai capital’s Chinatown.

The shower in the rental apartment is shared by the tenants of the apartment. ViralPress
“I paid a dollar for this Airbnb and I’m going to show you how to get inside,” Rari said in the clip. ViralPress

The accompanying footage shows the globetrotter, who has thousands of subscribers on YouTube, climbing a ladder on stilts on shaky terrain to reach a porch built from “reclaimed wood.”

Then Rari opens the door to his cheap home and reveals a camp bed covered in a mosquito net, a trash can, a fan and a drawer for his valuables.

Rari enters the dwelling via a rotten ladder. ViralPress

The spartan room also featured a US flag to make him feel “at home,” the influencer raved in the clip.

And those weren’t the only minimalist amenities.

Rari also showed off an outdoor laundry station, exercise equipment and a kitchen area that was essentially reduced to a table with appliances such as a rice cooker, boiler and refrigerator.

The cheap accommodation also included a communal toilet and shower – a bucket that the tenant filled and emptied over himself. There was also a lockable cupboard that could be rented for about 3 cents.

It’s safe to say that the property offers a lot of Bangkok for your money.

Although the apartment may seem a little run down, it may be a bargain compared to other rentals that didn’t come close to what was promised in their ad.

Some of these infamous catfishing properties included a bathroom with a bed in it and a unit whose idyllic “ocean view” was actually just a poster on the wall.

By Jasper

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