How to protect your home from wildfires – advice from fire experts on creating defensible spaces

Extreme heat has already made 2024 a year of wildfires. By mid-July, more acres of land had burned than in all of 2023, and several communities had lost homes to wildfires.

As fire season intensifies across the West, homeowners can take steps to make their homes less vulnerable to fire and increase the likelihood that firefighters can protect their property in the event of a wildfire.

We research wildfire risk to homes and communities. Decades of research suggests that homeowners in high-fire risk areas can do the following to protect their property.

Two photos show the house with the fire behind it and after the fire, with burned land around it but the house untouched.Two photos show the house with the fire behind it and after the fire, with burned land around it but the house untouched.

Small improvements make big differences

The flammability of a structure depends on both the building materials used and the construction of the building. In general, the vulnerability of a house is determined by its weakest point.

The roof, windows, siding and vents are all weak points to look out for.

Roof: The roof serves as a landing pad where airborne embers such as snowflakes can collect. Roofs with many flashings can collect pine needles and leaves that can be ignited by flying embers. That’s why it’s important that the roof itself be made of non-combustible Class A material such as clay tiles or asphalt shingles, and why roof maintenance, including cleaning the gutters, is important. Embers can easily find their way under peeling shingles, through gaps between clay tiles, or into gutters where pine needles and leaves can collect.

Windows: When windows are exposed to heat, they can shatter and let fire into the home, where curtains can easily catch fire. Even double-glazed windows can shatter from the heat of a burning shed 10 metres away, unless the window glass is toughened to make it more resilient. Fire-resistant metal shutters can provide additional protection if closed before a fire arrives.

Siding: Materials like stucco are non-combustible, whereas cedar shingles will burn. Your siding should be non-combustible, but siding is only as strong as its weakest point. If the siding has holes, seal them with caulk to prevent embers from reaching the wood frame in your walls. Ideally, there will be a 6- to 12-inch-thick concrete footing between the ground and the bottom of your siding material.

Ventilation openings: Reducing risk through venting is easy and inexpensive and can dramatically reduce the flammability of your home. Make sure to install metal screen 1/8 inch or finer thick over all vents to keep embers out of your attic and the interior of your home.

Control your ignition zone at home

The risk to a house also depends on the environment, the so-called house ignition zone.

The risk in your home’s fire zone depends on factors such as the slope of your property and the ecosystem around your home. Here are some guidelines the National Fire Protection Association recommends to both reduce the chance of flames reaching your home and make it easier for firefighters to defend it.

Zone 1 – Within 5 feet

From the outside of the house to a distance of 1.5 metres, you should prevent flames from coming into contact with windows, facades, vents and eaves. The gold standard is to use only non-combustible material in Zone 1.

The most common risks are flammable mulch, plants, firewood, patio furniture, decks and fences. These items have been a major reason homes burned in many wildfires, including the 2018 Camp Fire that destroyed large parts of Paradise, California, and the 2012 Waldo Canyon Fire near Colorado Springs, Colorado.

An illustration of a house with rings at different distances around it and advice for each ring.An illustration of a house with rings at different distances around it and advice for each ring.

Replacing mulch with gravel or pavers and limiting plants to short, sparse plants that do not touch the house can help reduce risk.

Wood decks and fences can burn, even if they are well maintained. Replacing them with non-combustible materials or installing a thin sheet of metal where the siding touches a wood deck or fence can help protect the home. Wire mesh screens can prevent debris and embers from accumulating under the deck.

Zone 2 – 1.5 to 9 meters away

In the next ring, between 1.5 and 9 meters from the house, the grass should be green and short. This is Zone 2.

Remember to rake up pine needles and leaves and be sure to cut the lowest branches to a height of at least 6 feet.

Trees on a flat slope should be spaced approximately 18 feet apart. Spacing should increase as the slope increases, as steeper terrain causes faster and more intense fires. Walkways, trails, patios, decks, and firewood can be kept in this zone.

Zone 3 – 9 to 30 meters away

Beyond Zone 2 and within about 100 feet of the house is Zone 3. In this area, make sure sheds and propane tanks have their own defensible area, just like around the house, and trim all low branches to 6 feet tall.

You can contact your local emergency management office or your community wildfire prevention nonprofit to learn about grants that can help cover the costs of trimming and cutting down trees on forested properties.

Even if the adjacent house extends more than 100 feet beyond your property line, it can still serve as fuel for a wildfire. That’s why it’s smart to consider your neighbors when reinforcing your own home. Once a house catches fire, the spread of fire from house to house is made easier by having closer spacing between buildings.

Be prepared

While most U.S. government spending is aimed at reducing wildfire risk in national forests, it is up to citizens and communities themselves to reduce their vulnerability to wildfire disasters.

It may be helpful to follow the guidelines required by your municipality or state and the ones above. Municipalities can also take steps to reduce fire risk and make fires easier to control by developing a municipal wildfire protection plan, assessing their wildfire risk, and implementing wildfire-specific building codes.

As fire season begins across the country, you’ll want to make sure your property is prepared. And when the evacuation call comes, you’ll want to know where to go and get out of there as quickly as possible.

This article was adapted from The Conversation, a nonprofit, independent news organization that brings you facts and trusted analysis to help you make sense of our complex world. It was written by: Bryce Young, University of Montana and Chris Moran, University of Montana

Read more:

Bryce Young receives funding from the University of Montana. He also works for Pyrologix and Vibrant Planet.

Christopher Moran also works for Pyrologix, a wildfire risk assessment research company, and for Vibrant Planet.

By Jasper

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