How her career change is inspiring women to rethink their own paths

After more than 17 years as a beloved star of NBC’s “TODAY,” Hoda Kotb is stepping down, marking the end of an era. Kotb’s decision to make a career change late in her career is both surprising and inspiring. She is known for her bright smile, warm presence and insightful interview style. While fans and colleagues are saddened by her departure, her departure is a crucial reminder that it’s never too late to take control of your career, especially when you feel like the time has come for a change – or if you feel burnt out, unfulfilled or as if you have reached a plateau.

Questioning your career path is natural and nothing new, but women often feel pressure to stay in high-stress positions, even if their mental, physical and spiritual well-being suffers. Kotb’s choice boldly challenges this narrative and shows that there is power in embracing change and giving up a successful career when it no longer serves you.

Taking bold risks later in your career can be of great benefit not only professionally, but also mentally, physically and spiritually.

A change can bring relief to women experiencing burnout

Kotb didn’t cite fatigue or burnout as reasons for her departure, but anyone who’s turned on their TV in the last decade has seen her greeting us in full makeup with the latest news as we sloppily make and try our coffee to wake up. Be aware that keeping to a schedule like yours can take a toll on your energy.

Missing school drop-off in the morning, skipping your sunrise workout, or sitting at a desk for 8+ hours a day can undoubtedly take a toll. And like Kotb, many women are taking stock of their lives, reassessing their work-life balance and conducting a cost-benefit analysis of their workplace — especially after the pandemic has brought burnout into focus. For women juggling careers, families, and personal health, burnout is not just an inconvenience, but a warning sign that something needs to change.

Kotb’s bold decision to step away from a high-profile role in a highly competitive industry is a refreshing example for women of how career pivots can serve as a reset and provide a more fulfilling, aligned path. While society often glorifies hustle and bustle, Kotb’s pivot offers a counter-narrative: the realization that slowing down and rethinking your career is not a failure, but a form of self-care and long-term sustainability.

Mental health benefits

By stepping away from her “TODAY” co-host spot and her “Today with Hoda and Jenna” role, Kotb is setting a precedent for prioritizing mental health. The demands of a highly visible career can take a toll on emotional well-being. Her decision shows women how important it is to put well-being above societal expectations. If you’re feeling burned out or unfulfilled, remember that it’s okay to explore new avenues. Sometimes the best thing you can do for your mental health is to quit a job that no longer brings you joy or no longer makes sense to you personally.

Kotb’s Pivot: An Invitation to Fulfillment, Not Just Success

Many women in top careers often reach a point where success no longer equals happiness. Kotb, who has built an extraordinary career as a journalist, author and Today The show’s co-host is no stranger to success. But even someone at their best can feel the need for something different.

ForbesWho will replace Hoda Kotb on “Today”? Here are 6 options

For women who feel stuck, their pivot is an invitation to redefine success. She reminds us that success isn’t just about external achievements like Emmy awards, big paychecks (over $7 million), or a million-dollar home in Manhattan – it’s about finding fulfillment, whatever that means you may look like. This could mean changing industries, taking a sabbatical, or even pursuing a passion project.

Physical health benefits

Taking the time to step away from work can improve physical health, reduce stress, and reduce the risk of burnout. Let’s encourage women to listen to their bodies and recognize when it’s time to pause or pivot.

Spiritual Health Benefits

Career pivots also provide space for spiritual growth. Hoda’s decision reflects a deeper alignment with purpose and shows that change can open up opportunities for reflection, mindfulness, and personal development. Ask yourself, “What do I really enjoy about my work?” If the answer isn’t clear, a career change could be the catalyst you need to rediscover your passion.

How women can make their own career decisions

While Kotb’s move is significant, you don’t have to be a TV host to embrace change. Here are a few tips for women who want to reorient themselves professionally:

Listen to your inner voice

If you’ve been feeling anxious or out of touch with your work, maybe it’s time to consider a change. Kotb’s example proves that it’s always okay to make a change, no matter how far along you are in your career.

Take stock of what is no longer working

Career changes often arise from the realization that something is no longer working. Whether it’s burnout, a lack of fulfillment, or a desire for a slower pace, the first step to change is being honest about what no longer serves you.

Embrace the unknown

Kotb did not resign with a detailed 5-year plan (at least we are not aware of that). Sometimes you have to take a leap of faith and trust that the right opportunities will arise.

Kotb’s departure from TODAY marks more than just a career change; It represents a broader movement of women reclaiming their careers and lives. For women who feel burned out, uninspired, or at a crossroads, Kotb’s example is a beacon of hope that it’s never too late to make a change.

Whether it’s about mental, physical or spiritual health, a career change can lead to a more fulfilling and balanced life. Because as Kotb shows us, success isn’t about staying in the same lane forever – it’s about being brave enough to take the exit when it feels right.

By Jasper

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