How brands should address LGBTQ+ consumers

LGBTQ+ consumers respond to inclusive advertising.

A new survey reveals purchase reasons and brand loyalty among LGBTQ+ shoppers.

The study, conducted in June 2024 as part of Revry LGBTQ+ Streaming Audience Insights powered by Nielsen, highlights the critical role of LGBTQ+-inclusive advertising and brand participation in community events in driving purchasing decisions in the community.

More than 69% of LGBTQ+ consumers surveyed are more likely to try food or household items from brands that visibly support the LGBTQ+ community, and nearly 70% value brands that participate in LGBTQ+ community events.

(READ MORE: H&M celebrates Pride across America)

About 66% of respondents are more likely to buy from brands that advertise LGBTQ+ inclusive programs or feature LGBTQ+ people in their campaigns, and four in 10 will seek out more information based on such advertising.

Nine out of ten (89%) respondents say they shop for groceries and household items daily or weekly. Food and beverages top the list and are purchased significantly more often than other items in this category.

The study shows that CPG, personal care and apparel are the categories most impacted by LGBTQ+-friendly advertising. When analyzing LGBTQ+ consumer engagement by ad category, the survey found that ads in the food and household category had an average completion rate of 99.18% in Q2 2024, above Revry’s benchmark of 95%.

By Jasper

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