Hasan Piker’s “Debatelords” was so funny, here are the 10 funniest topics streamers argued about

Trigger warning: Brief mentions of pornography and suicide.

Well, that was just as crazy as the Harris vs. Trump debate in September 2024.

Hasan “HasanAbi” Piker’s first – and biggest – personal IRL event, DebateLordswas everything it promised and more. It was hilarious. It was OD. It was clippable And quotable. The livestream was the outstanding “political” debate of the year – one that all other debates, whether real or fictional, should be modeled on.

Sarcasm aside, the livestream was an absolute blast in the best sense of the word. Featuring debaters bbno$, Carolinekwan, Cyr, Jasontheween and Nmplol – all creators or streamers – the show was full of obstructions, hilarious discussions and cake. Because of course Piker got a cake at the end – and a “tattoo”.

During the nearly three-hour show, many topics were discussed and many opinions expressed. But who won? What were the topics? And why did Jasontheween freak out when he sang about eating fries with ketchup? To keep you up to date on what you may have missed at Piker’s event, which raised nearly $50,000 for charity, here are the 10 funniest topics the five debaters argued about. DebateLords.


Cyr on HasanAbi's DebateLords stage at TwitchCon 2024 in California.

Image via Complex (Screenshot, HasanAbi)

Best answer: Cyr, Saltine.

Argument: To be honest, Cyr didn’t say much here. He barely answered the question. But what made his answer – salt-prongwith a long “i” sound—it wasn’t necessarily the obstruction that was good, but the repetition of the word “cracker.” This is one of those “if you know, you know” things, but let me recap. In December 2021, Piker was temporarily banned on Twitch for calling white people “crackers,” as the Amazon-owned livestreaming platform deemed the word hate speech, which violates the company’s community guidelines and terms of service. He was eventually unbanned, but Twitch never really let up, awarding Piker a “Cracker Pass” in November 2022, giving him free rein to use the word as he pleased. So, good job, Cyr, for the recall. The real answer to the question, however, is Ritz. That’s why Cyr got zero points.


bbno$ is on HasanAbi's DebateLords stage at TwitchCon 2024 in California.

Image via Complex (Screenshot, HasanAbi)

Best answer: bbno$, Kirby.

Argument: “Sometimes you just want to take advantage of your opponent.” That’s a crazy statement to make during a debate, but it’s incredibly apt when you consider the rest of bbno$’s response. “The only thing that matters is whether you can change and move what’s politically important at that moment in the right direction. And if you want to make the right decision, you have to think and be the right person.” Full throttle, no brakes, and a few points. Next.


Nmplol on HasanAbi's DebateLords stage at TwitchCon 2024 in California.

Image via Complex (Screenshot, HasanAbi)

(Second) best answer: Nmplol, Sonic the Hedgehog – Syke, Eren Yeager.

Argument: Yes, this has been covered before, and while bbno$’s answer was clearly the best, you can’t deny Nmplol tried. Piker’s question was about a “running mate.” Nmplol, clever as he is, said Sonic the Hedgehog because “he’s faster than everyone else.” That’s a valid argument! Except we weren’t talking about running a mile, we were talking about running for president. Nmplol realized this and copied Jasontheween’s homework (he said Attack on Titan‘s Eren Yeager first) and got no points. That’s what happens when you cheat.


Jasontheween on HasanAbi's DebateLords stage at TwitchCon 2024 in California.

Image via Complex (Screenshot, HasanAbi)

Best answer: Jasontheween, that’s all.

Argument: “When you slurp a noodle, what do you think about?” Yes, that was a real sentence that was uttered during Piker’s DebateLordsand yes, Jasontheween actually got points for that answer. I don’t know either, guys.


Jasontheween stands next to a mime on HasanAbi's DebateLords stage at TwitchCon 2024 in California.

Image via Complex (Screenshot, HasanAbi)

Best answer: Jasontheween, Mount Rushmore.

Argument: Jasontheween initially said Seaside Bakery, a doughnut and candy shop in Newport Beach, California, but Piker didn’t understand. So Jasontheween answered again, this time saying the city of Arlington. And what? Good things come in threes, and Jasontheween answered with Mount Rushmore, which, while technically not protected federal land — although there was a 2023 bill to designate it as such — is a national landmark and an iconic American landmark. He was almost there, so Jasontheween got the points.


Cyr sips water on HasanAbi's DebateLords stage at TwitchCon 2024 in California.

Image via Complex (Screenshot, HasanAbi)

Best answer: I bought PS2.

Argument: Piker polled his Twitch chatters, who said the PS2. And so Cyr, who had the most points at that point, had to explain why the PS2 is the best console ever. But again, Cyr barely answers the question. He started by sipping some water, then babbling some nonsense, and then asked, “So what’s better than one?” I mean, that’s true, but the PS3, PS4, or PS5 aren’t better than the PS2, so logically that didn’t quite work out. But because he did such a funny George W. Bush impersonation, Cyr still got points.


Carolinekwan on HasanAbi's DebateLords stage at TwitchCon 2024 in California.

Image via Complex (Screenshot, HasanAbi)

Best answer: Carolinekwan, Mother Earth.

Argument: I mean, you can’t really argue with that. Mother Earth is everything, everywhere. She’s the ground we walk on, the air we breathe, the food we eat, the people we f—you get the idea. Caroline-queen has her points.


Cyr on HasanAbi's DebateLords stage at TwitchCon 2024 in California.

Image via Complex (Screenshot, HasanAbi)

Best answer: Cyr, cocaine.

Argument: I think Cyr gave Leonardo DiCaprio in The Wolf of Wall Street with that answer, especially with that laugh. His way of talking to a guy dressed like GTA: Vice City Protagonist Tommy Vercetti was completely ridiculous. He talked about contacting the Central Intelligence Agency to “smuggle some good angel dust down.” He wanted to “lock up a couple of guys and raise the crime rate.” Selling drugs to raise a city’s crime rate might not have been the best impression, but Cyr could score points either way.


Jasontheween on HasanAbi's DebateLords stage at TwitchCon 2024 in California.

Image via Complex (Screenshot, HasanAbi)

Best answer: Jasontheween, Onlyfans—Syke, Burger turning

Argument: “Muscular, handsome, nice beard.” Jasontheween described the 6’3″ streamer to a roaring audience, but while his answer was good, it was echoed by YouTuber Ludwig – who arrived late – and bbno$’s “porn” response. So since Piker has nothing but politics and looks, Jasontheween says he’d be frying burgers if Twitch banned politics. And that earned him some points.


Cyr on HasanAbi's DebateLords stage at TwitchCon 2024 in California.

Image via Complex (Screenshot, HasanAbi)

(Second) best answer: Cyr, suicide.

Argument: Well, that is not the best answer because it is about the topic. Suicide is not a joke. According to The World Health OrganizationAbout 726,000 people take their lives each year. (Full disclosure: I’ve tried it several times in the past.) Suicide is not a funny thing. However, Cyr’s recounting of Piker’s untimely death was still pretty damn funny. Rather than retell it, I’ll just quote his entire monologue here:

“Oh, I know exactly what would happen. Yes, politics gets banned from Twitch. You try to be an actor, but you fail. Eventually, you run out of money and one day, you get in a car accident. You end up in a vegetative state, on life support. Eventually, you see all your loved ones give up on you. Eventually, you get out of there, angry at society, angry at yourself, angry at the healthcare system, and overdose on ketamine. And you know what? I’ll be at your funeral drinking a martini. This is what happens when you screw up my arguments, Hasan!”


Nmplol points to a Powerpoint presentation on HasanAbi's DebateLords stage at TwitchCon 2024 in California.

Image via Complex (Screenshot, HasanAbi)

In the end, Nmplol somehow emerged as DebateGoat from DebateLords. I couldn’t tell you exactly how that happened, but I think it had something to do with “Polomism,” some sort of supercomputer, ideological philosophy that will change the world. Or rig the system. Either one. (It’s also Nmplol’s last name, so, yes, definitely rigged.) The real winner, though, was the audience.

Who wouldn’t want to see the 1.90 meter tall streamer colossus get several pies in the face?

By Jasper

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