GiveSendGo | Urgent rental needs

Hello friend. I hope and pray that you are well.

You may know that I have had health problems for several years. My pain is complex and debilitating for many days. I cannot drive. I cannot walk on my right foot most days, even with a walker. The pain peaks to unbearable levels. Sitting in a desk chair can be extremely painful. I use a transport wheelchair or motorized wheelchair to get to appointments in a medical van. I have an aide. Because of my failing health, my ability to earn money – my publishing efforts, Super Patch sales, and other ventures I run from home – is negatively affected, causing me to fall behind on rent.

Luckily, there is a method that will help me get better! On August 19th, I will have a nerve pain stimulator implanted. It will help mask the pain by blocking the pain signals to my brain. I hope this will reduce my pain by up to 75%.

I have been wondering if my reckless actions have caused this financial problem. Satan blamed me, but God covered me. One thing stands out: In January, I decided to walk by faith and wrote an outline for a book about my faith journey. God spoke to me that such activities attract attacks from the enemy, but that He can use them to teach me to trust Him in all areas of my life, especially in my livelihood. I would love nothing more than to do whatever I can get my hands on to make money. I miss working, but I just can’t do it normally during this time of year.

I need $700 by August 12th to avoid eviction and $1600 for August rent + utilities by August 23rd. I will apply the extra $700 to September rent.

***I may have the opportunity to work from home in my free time through a friend’s contacts! I’m waiting for a response when the person is back in town. Please check for updates.

God has provided for some of my other needs – and wants! – without me asking anyone! He has provided for bills. Medical needs. Holistic care. Someone sent $100. I didn’t mention anything to her and she didn’t know I needed anything! I didn’t even think about it until I got the Zelle notification. I smiled at God! But the rent is critically overdue. I am following my faith, not my fear. I am in His care. We all are.

Thank you for reading this message, for not judging my situation, for praying for me, and for donating if you can. I really appreciate it.

May God bless and protect you.

Walk in faith, hold on to hope.


By Jasper

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